Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Sunset Earrings

Original Name: 落陽のピアス
ID: 458 Illustrator: --
ATK:ATK: 0/0 HP:HP: 0/0
Cost: 3 Max Level: 80

This is an Event Craft Essence Gift Icon
It can only be obtained by participating in a time-limited event. This Craft Essence cannot be summoned.

Available in the event shop during Valentine 2016 Event Re-Run for 150 Lancer Choco Coin if the player owns Karna.

This Craft Essence comes at level 80. This card provides 30,000 Craft Essence experience.


Increase Lancer Choco Coin drop amount by 2.


Description Translation🛈🛈

カルナが自ら研磨したピアス。 黄金の鎧が分解して槍に変わる際、 ササッとパーツを抜き取って作ったようだ。 見る人が見れば値の付けられない逸品。 ……ねえ、これあげて本当にいいの?

Fan Translation: The Valentines return gift from Karna.

Earrings that Karna carved all by himself. It seems that as soon as his Golden Armor disassembled and turned into the spear, he quickly took out the parts and made [the earrings]. Observers can see that this is a priceless masterpiece. ……Hey, was it really okay for him to be giving this?
