Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Saitō Chiwa)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「ぱんぱかぱーん!



I heard "beach" and came right away. Who called for this honeymoon?
Servant Lancer, Tamamo-no-Mae. I am ready to take your heart away♡
Would you like to go on a summer adventure with me?

Panpakapan~! I appear as soon as I hear the beach calling, who called for it, this honeymoon! Servant Lancer, Tamamo no Mae, has come pumped up and ready for action♡! This adventure of the summer, are you up for it?

Level Up 「ありがとうございます。肌も毛並みも、ピカピカですよ」

Thank you so much♡

My skin and fur are in perfect condition.

Thank you very much. Aren't both my skin and my fur becoming shiny?

1st Ascension 「水遊びに夢中になりすぎましたねぇ。もう、乱暴なんですから」

I got a little caught up playing in the water...♡ Oh, you're so forceful...

I got too entranced by playing in the water, it seems. Geez~ It's because I play rough~

2nd Ascension 「みこーんと霊基アーップ! 衣替えは次にご期待ください♪」

Mikoooon! Ascension! Please look forward to my next costume change♡

The Saint Graph levels up with a mikon! For a change of clothing, please look forward to it next time!

3rd Ascension 「これが玉藻の……勝負水着ですっ! キュートさよりエレガントさを推してみましたが、いかがです? 惚れなおしてくださいました?」

This is Tamamo's showdown swimsuit!

I tried to go for elegance more than cuteness, so what do you think? Did you fall for me again?

This is Tamamo's... Showdown swimsuit! Rather than cuteness, I tried to emphasize elegance. What do you think? Did you fall in love all over again?

4th Ascension 「浜辺にドリンクとかけまして、ハニトラと解く……その心はこの通りスイーツよりも甘い玉藻ちゃん! なのです! はいどうぞマスター、あ~ん……スペシャルなパフェの後はもっとあま~い一時ひととき……いっちゃいます?」

What do a date on the beach and a honey trap have in common... The answer is, of course, your sweeter than sweet Tamamo-chan!

Here you go, Master! Say "ahhh."
How about I give you more sweet moments after you finish this special parfait?

And so the drinks have been prepared on the beach, and the honey trap loosened... This care is, of course, from the sweeter than sweets, Tamamo-chan! So♪! Yes, please, Master, aaahn... After this special parfait we'll have more sweeeeet moments... What do you say?

Battle Start 1 「夏の魔物が、目を覚ましたのです!」

The magical beast of summer has awakened!

The Beast of Summer has awakened!

Battle Start 2 「いや~ん。玉藻ぉ、肌焼けちゃいますぅ~」

Oh no, Tamamo is gonna get a sunburn♡

Nooo~! Tamamo's skin will get burnt~!

Skill 1 「まさに! さまぁ~、ばけぃしょん!」

Now this is a SUMMER! VACATION!

Exactly! Summer Vacation!

Skill 2 「オイル塗ってくださいますぅ?」

Mind rubbing some oil on me?

Could you put this oil on me?

Attack Selected 1 「アイアイサー☆」

Aye-aye, sir!

Aye-aye, Sir☆

Attack Selected 2 「胸元、見えちゃってます?」

Oops, can you see my cleavage?

My cleavage... Did you see it?

Attack Selected 3 「優雅に決めますとも♪」

I will end this gracefully♪

It's been decided, gracefully!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「それでは皆様、お手を拝借」

Now everyone, put your hands together♡

Then, everyone, please clap for me.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「ジャッジメントの時間・DA・ZE!」

Time for your judgment!

Attack 1 「コンコンっと」

Kon, kon!


Attack 2 「参りまーす♪」

Here I go♡

Here I come~!

Attack 3 「アバンチュールッ!」

An amorous adventure!


Extra Attack 「お一人様頂きですわ」

Here's for one customer♡

Here's a serving for one customer!

Noble Phantasm 「言い逃れは聞きませんわ♪ 浮気移り気デートに遅刻、狐はまるっとお見通し。いざ受けやがれ『日除傘ひよけがさ寵愛一神ちょうあいいっしん』!! ……見ていてくださいました、マスター?」

I won't hear any excuses♡

Cheating, flirting, and being late for dates...
The fox sees all.
Tokonatsu Nikkou - Goddess' Love Parasol!
♡Did you see that, Master?

It's too late to talk your way out of this! To be late to this frivolous, cheating date, this fox can see through it all. Now, receive this "Sunshading Parasol Blessed by the Gods!" ...Please, have a look, Master!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「サンシャイーンッ!?」



Regular Damage 「わおっ」



Defeated 1 「この魅力が、わからないとか……!」

Do you not understand...my charm?

Did you not understand... This charm...!?

Defeated 2 「もーっ、タマモちゃんペントハウス戻りますーぅ!」

Argh! Tamamo is heading back to the penthouse!

Geez~ Tamamo-chan is returning to the penthouse!

Battle Finish 1 「悩殺、しちゃいました?」

Were you able to resist my charm?

Were you unable to take your mind off me?

Battle Finish 2 「ではでは、泳ぎに参りましょう? マスター」

♡Shall we go for a swim, Master?

Now then, shall we go for a swim, Master~?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「青い空! 白い雲! そして魅力抜群のわ・た・く・しー!! どうです、この浮き輪とパラソル! この日のために用意しておいたのです~! ……ハッ! 別にはしゃいでません。はしゃいでませんとも。今回の私は余裕ある大人の女として過ごすのですから」

Blue skies! White clouds! And the endlessly charming ME! What do you think of my floatie and parasol? I specially prepared them for today!

Oh, I'm not excited for it or something. Of course not. This time, I am going to spend my time here as a mature lady♡

Blue skies! White clouds! And the outstandingly charming ME! How is it, this float and parasol! It has been prepared just for this day! ...Huh! It's not like I'm being overly bubbly. I'm definitely not being bubbly at all. That's because this time I'll be spending my time as a composed, mature woman.

Bond Lvl 2 「日除け傘の下、物憂げに水平線を眺める美女……ああ、なんてアン・ニュイ。これが夢にまで見たSunset summer beach。もう、思い残すことはない……いいえ、いっぱいあるな、私」

A beautiful woman calmly gazing out in to the horizon from a parasol... Oh, how ennui! This was the sunset summer beach of my dreams. And I have no regrets... No, there are still tons I still want to do!

Beneath the shade of the umbrella, a beauty gazing wistfully at the far horizon... Aah, what ennui! This is the sunset summer beach seen in dreams. Now, there are no more regrets... ...No, I've still got a lot.

Bond Lvl 3 「よーしぃ! マヌカンっぽくするのも飽きましたー! このあたりでビーストモードかいきーん! 玉藻ちゃんフルスロットル! 欲望に任せて突っ走るぜ! マスター遊びに行きましょう! ヒートでアイランドな思い出が欲しいのです~!」

Okay, I've had enough with posing like a mannequin! It's time for beast mode!

Tamamo is full throttle now! I'm going with my instincts and running with it! Master, let's go play! I want some heated island memories!

Alright~! I've had enough of posing around like a mannequin! Hereabouts the Beast Mode will be releeeased! Tamamo-chan full throttle! Give in to desire and let rip! Master, let's go play! I want some memories on this Heat Island~!

Bond Lvl 4 「たーのしーい! 夏の浜辺はキラキラしていてサイッコーに楽しいですねマスター! スキューバダイビングの後はバンジーしてー! バーベキューしてー! 最後にパラグラっときます?」

Sooo fun!

Nothing is more fun than the sparkling summer beach, Master!
After scuba diving, let's go bungee jumping, barbecuing, and maybe end with some paragliding?

It's fun~! Sparkling on the summer beach is the most fun ever, Master! After the scuba diving, let's go bungee jumping~! And barbecuing~! And lastly, let's go paragliding!

Bond Lvl 5 「あぁ……夏も終わってしまいます……。あれもこれもと欲張りばかりですが……足りないぐらいが丁度いいのでしょう。私のワガママに付き合ってくれてありがとうございます、マスター。…この思い出はずっと……永遠に……玉藻ちゃんアルバムに記録しておきますね。忘れたりしたら……後がコワい、ぞっ!」

Ah, summer is coming to an end...

I may have been ambitious, but feeling unsatisfied might be enough.
Thank you for indulging in my whims, Master. I'll treasure this in the Tamamo album of memories. If you forget it's going to be scary☆

Ah... Summer will be over... Though there's still this and that I really want... It might be good to leave it at that. Thank you for playing along with my selfishness, Master. ...These memories will always... Forever... Will be recorded in the Tamamo-chan Album. If you forget... It's going to be scary...!

Dialogue 1 「そろそろお出かけですか? ではでは、私も……サンダルを履いて、っと」

Is it time to go out? Okay then, let me put on my sandals♪

Are we going out soon? Then, let me~! Put on my sandals~! ...There!

Dialogue 2 「えー、バケーション中ですので、通常の主従関係はお休みです。たーんと甘えさせてくださいね、マスター?」

We're on vacation, so let's drop the usual Master-Servant relationship☆ Let me snuggle up to you as much as I want, okay, Master?

Eh, because it's during a vacation, we're taking a break from the usual master-servant relationship. Treat me sweetly, okay, Master?

Dialogue 3 「マスターと言えど、今日だけは対等に……一人の女性として、エスコートしてくださいますか?」

Even if you are my Master, today, I want us to be equals♡

Would you escort me around and treat me like a proper lady?

Though you're my Master, today, we're equals... Could you escort this lone lady?

Dialogue 4
(Anne Bonny & Mary Read (Archer))
「なんという……ビッグバン・ボディ……! 只の海賊と侮っていましたが、アンさんったら物凄いモノをお持ちで……!」

What a...banging body!

I thought of her as just another pirate, but Anne has some really tremendous things.

What a... Big Bang Body! I thought they were mere pirates, but Anne-san has some really tremendous things...!

Dialogue 5
(Kiyohime (Lancer))
「清姫さんが、薙刀を持った……! 元々中華風な方でしたが、もう完全に中華三昧・出前一丁の趣ですねぇ……はっ! 薙刀って、私のパラソルと被ってません!?」

Kiyohime is wielding a halberd!

She already dressed slightly Chinese but with that... She's really committed to it, huh?
Wait, doesn't her halberd overlap with my parasol!?

Kiyohime-san has a naginata in hand...! Though she was originally someone with a Chinese flavour, this now totally has the taste of a luxury Chinese cuisine takeout... Huh! A naginata, doesn't it overlap with my parasol!?

Dialogue 6
(Martha (Ruler))

A long black-haired saint fighting with her bare hands... Ugh... My head hurts...!

But oh well, it does fit Martha really well.
Tarasque, try to hang on to your life, okay☆

A fist-fighting cleric with long black hair... Ugh, my head... Well, that's definitely like Martha-san. Tarrasque-san, try your best to survive, okay?

Dialogue 7
(Marie Antoinette (Caster))
「私も太陽の分け御霊ですし? キラキラ輝く事に定評はありますけれどー? ……マリーさんの宝具は、もうそういう次元の話じゃなくなってません?」

Since I'm an aspect of the sun, I also have a reputation for being bright and shiny, you know?

However, don't you think Marie's Noble Phantasm is not even on the same level anymore?

I'm also an aspect of the Sun, right? I should generally be considered to be as sparkly and glittering. ...But Marie-san's Noble Phantasm, isn't that something else entirely?

Something you Like 「好きなものは勿論、夏のRomanceです! 目一杯思い出を作りましょうね、マスター」

What I like is of course, summer romance! Let's make tons of memories together, Master!

What I like is, of course, summer romance! Let's make a lot of memories, Master~

Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの? カニは兎も角、ロブスターとか食べたくねぇ。あと、お土産屋のボッタクリには気を付けてくださいましね?」

What do I hate? Crabs aside, I really don't want to eat lobsters. Also, you have to make sure souvenir shops don't rip you off, you hear?

What I dislike? Crabs aside, I don't eat things like lobsters. Also, be careful of getting ripped off by the souvenir shop.

About the Holy Grail 「海に来てまで聖杯とか! ……まぁ、こんな素敵な「もしも」を提供してくれるのなら、一つくらい拝借しておきたいですねぇ」

We're still talking about Holy Grails at the beach!? Well, if such a wonderful opportunity were to be provided to me, I would sure love to have one of them...

Still going on about the Holy Grail even when we're at the beach!? ...Well, if it's provided us with such a wonderful "If", then I'd like to borrow one or so.

During an Event 「むむっ、アドベンチャーの気配! 急ぎましょマスター、人気アトラクションは早めに並んでおかないと」

Hmmm, I smell adventure! Let's hurry, Master. We have to line up early for those popular attractions!

Mumu, the signs of adventure! Let's hurry, Master, we need to line up for popular attractions early.

Birthday 「誕生日、おめでとうございます、マスター。せっかくの夏気分なんですから、無人島で一日、の~んびり過ごしますぅ?」

Happy birthday, Master♡

Summer doesn't happen all the time, so how about we spend a relaxing day on a deserted island?

Happy Birthday, Master♡ Since we're in a summer mood, why don't we have a carefree day on this uninhabited island?


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
FGO 2016 Summer Event
Dialogue 1 「みこーん! いいんですか、こんな厚遇!?」

Mikon! Do I really deserve this kind of warm treatment?

Mikon! Is it okay, this kind of hospitality!?

Dialogue 2 「ありがとうございます! お返しに、モフります?」

Thank you very much!

In return... Do you want to fluff my tail?

Thank you very much! Would you like to fluff my tail in return?

Dialogue 3 「キタキタキター! 絶対に後悔はさせませんよ、マスター!」

Here it comes!

You won't regret this, Master♪

It's here! I'll make you never regret it, Master!

Dialogue 4 「ハイソにも程があるっ!」

High society can go too far!

There's a limit even for rich society!

Dialogue 5 「……夏の支配権、ゲットだぜ」

Summer supremacy... We've got it☆

......Summer control, I got it!

Dialogue 6 「ザ・そそり立て! 私達のよ・く・ぼう!」

Soar to the sky! Our desire!

Now, rise up! Our de-si-re!

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