Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Yuuki Aoi)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「アサシン、酒呑童子。

 ふふ。うちを召喚してくれて、おおきにありがとう。 好きにやるけど―かまへんね?」

"Assassin, Shuten Douji. Fufu. Thank you so kindly for summoning me. I'll largely be doing as I like -- you wouldn't mind, would you?" File:ShutenDoujiSummoning.ogg
Level Up 「おおきに。いつもご贔屓、うち嬉しいわぁ」 "Thank you kindly. Always working in my favour, how happy that makes me." File:ShutenDoujiLevel Up.ogg
1st Ascension 「景気のいい旦那はんは素敵やね。ほな、一杯やろか? うん? 丈が短い? これぐらいかまへんよ。―なんなら、もっとちこうに寄ります?」 "A hard-working master is quite fantastic. Now, shall I pour you a glass...? Hmm? Too soon? This much, I don't mind at all -- then, shall I come over to you?" File:ShutenDoujiAscension1.ogg
2nd Ascension 「器が増したわ。どや? 角の艶も格段やろ?」 "I feel even more capable. How's it? My horns are now exceptionally glossy, no?" File:ShutenDoujiAscension2.ogg
3rd Ascension 「うち、正直嬉しいわぁ。役に立てるよう、得物も変えてみたんやけど……どうやろ? あんたはん が似合うゆうなら、うちも鬼冥利に尽きるんやけど……どうどす?」 "Ah, I'm honestly so happy. I thought I'd change it up a little so as to be more useful for you, but... I wonder? If you say it fits, I'll become a true demon... what do you say?" File:ShutenDoujiAscension3.ogg
4th Ascension 「あ、あぁ……まさかここまで相性が良いなんて、夢にも思わなんだわぁ……。うちの体も、角も、火口みたいに火照っとるわ。今ならなぁんでも好きにできそやけど……うふふ、あんたはんに嫌われそやし、しばらくは大人しくしとるわ。でも、いつかな? マスター、あんたはんのぜぇんぶ、うちが美味しくいただくで?」 "Ah, aah... to think we'd get along so well to this point, I never would have dreamed. My body, and my horns, they both burn warm like volcanic craters. As I am, I feel like I can do aaanything I want, but... ufufu, I think you might dislike me then, so I'll behave for now. But I wonder, when? Master, I'll eat up eeeverything you are, and savor it all, you hear?" File:ShutenDoujiAscension4.ogg
Battle Start 1 「大してイケメンもおらへんなぁ……」 "Ah, and there's not even any particularly attractive men..." File:ShutenDoujiBattle Start1.ogg
Battle Start 2 「ふふ、怖い顔……堪忍しとくれやすぅ」 "Fufu... what a scary face. You'll have to forgive me~." File:ShutenDoujiBattle Start2.ogg
Skill 1 「煮るも焼くも同じやさかい」 "Stewing and burning are both the same, so..." File:ShutenDoujiSkill1.ogg
Skill 2 「そないに……昂ぶるわぁ……」 "Ah... this is exciting..." File:ShutenDoujiSkill2.ogg
Attack Selected 1 「よろしおす」 "Very well." File:ShutenDoujiAttack Select1.ogg
Attack Selected 2 「ぼちぼち」 "Bit by bit." File:ShutenDoujiAttack Select2.ogg
Attack Selected 3 「ふふ、堪忍なぁ?」 "Fufu, you're alright with this?" File:ShutenDoujiAttack Select3.ogg
Noble Phantasm Selected 「椀飯振舞……よろしゅうな?」 "An exuberant banquet... are you ready?" File:ShutenDoujiNP Select.ogg
Attack 1 「そぉら」 "Theere." File:ShutenDoujiAttack1.ogg
Attack 2 「ほれ」 "There." File:ShutenDoujiAttack2.ogg
Attack 3 「あははっ!」 "Ahaha!" File:ShutenDoujiAttack3.ogg
Extra Attack 「たぁんと喰らいや」 "Make sure you eat it all~." File:ShutenDoujiExtra Attack.ogg
Noble Phantasm 1 「死にはったらよろしおす。『千紫万紅・神便鬼毒せんしばんこう・しんぺんきどく


"Go on and die now -- Exuberance of Colours, Godly Demonic Poison! -- ...Ahh... to the marrow of your bones, it's all mine..." File:ShutenDoujiNP1.ogg
Noble Phantasm 2 「面倒やさかい、まとめて蕩かしたろか……。『千紫万紅・神便鬼毒せんしばんこう・しんぺんきどく』。爪先からゆっくり、ゆぅっくり……」 "Ah, it's quite a pain, so let's just melt you all at once... Exuberance of Colours, Godly Demonic Poison! -- From the tips of your nails, slowly, slooowly..." File:ShutenDoujiNP2.ogg
Damage from Noble Phantasm 「あぁんっ!」 "Aaahn!" File:ShutenDoujiNP Damaged.ogg
Regular Damage 「あんっ!」 "Ahn!" File:ShutenDoujiDamaged.ogg
Defeated 1 「しょーもない……」 "Ah, how poor..." File:ShutenDoujiDefeated1.ogg
Defeated 2 「ふふ……イヤやわぁえげつな……」 "Fufu... how unpleasant, so vulgar..." File:ShutenDoujiDefeated2.ogg
Battle Finish 1 「よおけ蕩けて……食べ頃どすなぁ?」 "Melt them down well... and let's eat." File:ShutenDoujiBattle Finish1.ogg
Battle Finish 2 「そんなら骨抜いてまうけど……よろしおすなぁ?」 "Then I'll be pulling out all your bones... that's alright, right?" File:ShutenDoujiBattle Finish2.ogg
My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「マスター、主様、お前様、旦那はん。呼び方は色々やけど……うちは旦那はんがしっくりくるわぁ。うちみたいなのを呼んでくれて、おおきにな? 初々しい、新しい旦那はん。……もう、そないに怖がらんでも、骨抜かへんで? こう見えてうち、尽くす鬼やさかいね?」

"Master, my Lord, Dear You, Lord of the House... there's plenty of names to call you by... but I like master* the most. Thank you kindly for calling someone like me, you know? Dear, very very young, very very new master. ...Now, no need to tremble so, I won't take your bones. Despite how I may look, I am a demon who serves."

*Master as she refers to Guda is the same one that technically means "husband" or "lord of the house".

Bond Lvl 2 「まだ酒は早いようやなぁ? ざぁんねん。それとも下戸なんやろか? うちの酒、飲み干せるほど強うなってや、マスター?」 "Seems it's a little too early for alcohol, no? Disappointing... Or do you not drink at all? Make sure you become strong enough that you could run my caskets dry, alright Master?" File:ShutenDoujiBond2.ogg
Bond Lvl 3 「昨日も今日も、まあ忙しいお人やなぁ? そないにあくせくせんと、はんなりしたらよろしいのに 。そうはいかないのが、今のうちの旦那はんなんやろなぁ」 "Yesterday, today... you're so very busy, no? It would be so nice if you could just relax, instead of working so hard. But I suppose this is how you do relax." File:ShutenDoujiBond3.ogg
Bond Lvl 4 「骨がちょおっと軟いのが玉に瑕やけど、あんたはんも悪ないなぁ。魂の話やのうて、目力の話や。そぉら、もっと顔見せてや?」 "How soft your bones are are a biiit of a drawback, but you aren't so bad after all. It isn't about your soul, it's about the strength of your gaze. There, let me see your face more, okay?" File:ShutenDoujiBond4.ogg
Bond Lvl 5 「はあ……そないに見つめるの堪忍やわぁ……骨抜いて、酒に溶かして呑み干したくなるわぁ……」 "Haa... I do love just looking at your face... it makes me want to debone you, melt you down in alcohol and drink you all up..." File:ShutenDoujiBond5.ogg
Dialogue 1 「退屈やわぁ……どこも行かへんの?」 "I'm quite bored... are we not heading anywhere?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue1.ogg
Dialogue 2 「うちのこと気になるなら、ほれ、いつでもかまへんよ? ああ……でも、この通りうちも鬼やし? 噛み砕いてしもたら……堪忍な?」 "If you're ever curious, well, you can come at any time you know? Aah... but, I am a demon, after all. If I happen to tear you apart... well, no faults, hm?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue2.ogg
Dialogue 3 「主従関係……? うふふ……そういうことなら首輪でもしよか? マスター?」 "A Master-Servant relationship? Ufufu... if it's about that, then shall I get a collar? Master?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue3.ogg
Dialogue 4
(Sakata Kintoki)
「金髪の小僧はいつ見ても楽しおますなぁ……目の保養とはこの事や 頼光の牛女には勿体無いわぁ……ああ、いや 今のうちは旦那はんの物やけどな? あの小僧の骨はほんま特別やさかい、そこは大目に見てくりゃれ」 "Ah, that golden-haired boy is always a fun one whenever I look at him... When I talk about eyes, this is what I truly mean. He's a waste as Raikou's cow... Aah, although he's your possession at the moment. That boy's bones are very special, so kindly take this with a grain of salt." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Sakata Kintoki.ogg
Dialogue 5
(Ibaraki Douji)
「茨木? まーたそない角尖らせて、やんちゃしいとき。雇い主を困らせたらアカンよ」 "Ibaraki? Sharpening your horns like that again, lay off of the mischief. Don't inconvenience your master, hm?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Ibaraki Douji.ogg
Dialogue 6
(Demon Traits Servants)
「へぇ……鬼がおるんやねえ? うち以外の鬼が……ほうかほうか、旦那はん? それ程鬼が好きなんなら、うちも今夜は鬼になろか」 "Hoh... there's demons? Other than me... I see, I see. Master? If you like demons so much, then shall I become one tonight as well?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Demon Traits.ogg
Dialogue 7
(Minamoto no Yorimitsu)
「はぁあ~嫌や嫌や。牛と乳臭くて堪らんわ。ガタイばかりデカくて何様のつもりなんやろ?年増はさっさと隠居してほしいわっ!」 "Haa~, I don't like it at all. It smells like bovines and milk, I can't bear it. With such a big body, I wonder what she's planning? I'd like her to retire as soon as possible...!" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Minamoto Yorimitsu.ogg
Dialogue 8
(Sakata Kintoki (Rider))
「なぁなぁ、金髪の小僧? 今日はあの鉄の馬には乗らへんの? って、ああ! もう……いけず」 "Hey, you boy with the golden hair? Are you not riding that horse of iron today? -- Hey, ah! ...What a misbehaved boy." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Kintoki Rider.ogg
Dialogue 9
(Ibaraki Douji)
「茨木。甘い菓子を好いとるそうやけど……ふふ、うちらにとって一番甘ーいモンが何か、まだわからへんのやね」 "Ibaraki. It seems you favor very sweet snacks, but... fufu, it looks like you don't understand what's the sweetest thing to us, yet." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Ibaraki Douji2.ogg
Dialogue 10
(Mochizuki Chiyome)
「ああ、甲賀望月の……そないにびくつかんでも、取って食ろうたりせえへんよ。今宵は同族食らう気分じゃあらへんし。……ああ、あんたはんは鬼やないん?まあええわ。おいでおいで。ふふふ、ええ子ええ子」 File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Mochizuki Chiyome.ogg
Dialogue 11
(Minamoto no Yorimitsu)
「その節はどうもおおきに。ま、うちはなーんも覚えてへんのやけど」 File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Minamoto Yorimitsu2.ogg
Dialogue 12
(Katō Danzō)
絡繰なんやろ?へえ、そういうのもあるんやね。ほんのり鬼の香りがするんは……ああ、そういう……。ふふ、けったいな事もあるんやね File:ShutenDoujiDialogue Kato Danzo.ogg
Something you Like 「うちが好きなんは、そらイケメンやわぁ。大江のお山で見た金髪碧眼の小僧とか、落とし甲斐の塊やねぇ……。ふふっ……あんたはんも磨けば美味そうやけど」 "What I like? Oh, it must be the handsome ones. Like the golden-haired, blue-eyed boy I saw at the mountain in Oe, I can't resist... Fufu... Although, I think you might look tasty if I polish you just a little..." File:ShutenDoujiLike.ogg
Something you Hate 「嫌いなもんをわざわざ話すんは無粋とちゃうん? けど、話し上手なのはよろしおすなぁ」 "Don't you think it's inelegant to bother talking about things you dislike? Although, you are very good at conversation~." File:ShutenDoujiHate.ogg
About the Holy Grail 「杯? そら赤漆に限るわぁ。いい器は酒をより美味くするもんやし……うちも、日本を徳利にした極上の美酒に浸りたいわぁ……」 "Grail? I'm very particular about my sekitsushi*. A good vessel makes alcohol even tastier... Ah, I want to immerse myself into the best alcohol that Japan is known for, too..." File:ShutenDoujiHoly Grail.ogg
During an Event 「祭りは好きやわぁ。人も鬼も、賑やかなのが一番やし」 "I do love festivals. Humans and demons, being busy is best for both." File:ShutenDoujiDuring Event.ogg
Birthday 「そらめでたいわぁ……! どぉれ、うちが一献注いだろか? なに? 今は自重する? 酒呑さん怖い? もう……うちの旦那はんいけずやのぅ」 "How joyous...! Leeet's see, shall I pour you a drop? What? not today? Shuten-san's scary? Hmm... oh, my master is such a crude one..." File:ShutenDoujiBirthday.ogg
Restless Drunk Demons Capital - Rashomon
Dialogue 1 「いらっしゃいまし。遠慮はせんと、欲しいもんがあったらなぁんでも持って行き。景気が良いのはうちも嬉しいわあ」 "Welcome. If there's anything you like, feel free to take it with you. I like it when the economy is good." File:ShutenDoujiRashomonDialogue1.ogg
Dialogue 2 「根こそぎ、根こそぎ。ええ言葉やねえ。骨の髄まで――しゃぶり尽くさんとなあ?」 "Upheaval, upheaval. What a good word. To the marrow of the bones -- you have to get it all out, hmm?" File:ShutenDoujiRashomonDialogue2.ogg
Dialogue 3 「うちの前で、我慢なんてしぃひんでもええんよ? 旦那はんのどんな欲も、鬼のうちからすれば、可愛い盛りよって」 "You don't need to hold back before me, you know? Any kind of greed you may have, from a demon like me, it just looks cute." File:ShutenDoujiRashomonDialogue3.ogg
Dialogue 4 「報せはよおく見とかんとあきまへんえ? 浮世で何より恐ろしいのは、期限切れと契約書よって。……うちも債鬼だけは堪忍やわあ」 "You should keep a veeery close eye on the news, you know? In your fleeting life, the scariest thing of all is expirations and contracts. ...Even for me, I'd like to at least avoid the loan sharks." File:ShutenDoujiRashomonDialogue4.ogg
Dialogue 5 「もう……そんな瞳で見んと。火照ってまうわぁ。一番欲しいのはうちなんなら――えらい数奇者のマスターさんやね」 "Now... take away that look in your eyes. It'll get too warm in here. If I'm the one you want the most -- well, you're quite the cunning Master." File:ShutenDoujiRashomonDialogue5.ogg
Dialogue 6 「宴も終わってしもうたみたいやねぇ。景品交換は、今のうちに済ませておくんなまし。食べ残しの無いようにな。ほななぁ」 "It looks like the banquet's ended. You should finish up trading in for your prizes while you can. Don't leave anything behind on your plate. Now, see you~." File:ShutenDoujiRashomonDialogue6.ogg
Rashomon Event Rerun
Dialogue 1 「旦那はん、数寄者なんやねぇ。明日も来てくれはるんやろか? それとも今日、もう何遍か来てくれはるん?」 "Master, you're quite a cunning one. Will you be coming back tomorrow? Or today, will you be coming back a few more times?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue1RashomonRerun.ogg
Dialogue 2 「なぁに? うちの顔見に来はったん? 嬉しいわぁ。うちもね、あんたはんの顔、見たいと思っとったんよ。……なーんて。ふふっ―嘘やけど」 "Hmm? Did you come to see my face? That makes me very pleased... I was just thinking that I'd like to see your face too. ...or did I? Fufu -- though it's a lie." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue2RashomonRerun.ogg
Dialogue 3 「調子はどない? ううん、顔見たら判るさかい、言わへんでもええよ。あんじょう気張りや」 "How are you? Mm, I can tell just by looking at your face, so you don't need to tell me. It's just asking for it to be awkward." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue3RashomonRerun.ogg
Dialogue 4 「根詰めすぎてもあかんのやけど……それともあんたはん、うちに会いとうて気張ってはるん? ふふふ、そんならうちは止められへんわぁ」 "You're putting up too much of a front... or, are you just happy because you wanted to see me? Fufufu, then I can't stop you..." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue4.ogg
Dialogue 5 「旦那はんの欲深さ、もっと見たいわぁ。うちに見せてくれへん? ……だめ?」 "I want to see more of your greed. Will you show me? ...No?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue5.ogg
Dialogue 6 「おしまい、おしまい。ちゃんと受け取るモン受け取りはって、身も心もスッキリしてからお帰りやす」 "It's over, all over. Now, receive what you have to receive, and make sure you're at peace for body and mind before you go." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue6.ogg
Dialogue 7 「ほな、さいなら。うちの事忘れんといてね、旦那はん? 寂しくなるわぁ……なーんて、うふふ。縁があったらまた会えるよって」 "Alright, then goodbye. Don't forget about me, alright, master? I'll be lonely... or will I? Ufufu. If we've got a link, then we can meet again." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue7.ogg
Dialogue 8 「おめでとさん。ほな、褒美でも受け取るとええよ」 "Congratulations. Now, come take your prize." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue8.ogg
Dialogue 9 「へぇ~、あんたはん、運があるんやねぇ。ええモン貰えるみたいやで?」 "Heh~. It looks like you have some luck. You'll be able to get something good, see?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue9.ogg
Dialogue 10 「ようおこしやす。ふふっ、うちがおたなをやるなんて思わへんかったわぁ。ああ……可笑し」 "Ah, so you've come. Fufu, I didn't think I'd be running a shop. How funny." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue10.ogg
Dialogue 11 「遠いところをまぁ、おこしやす。お茶でもどない? まぁ、ゆるりと見て回るとええ。あれこれ揃えてみたさかい、欲しいモンもあるんとちゃう?」 "Ah, you've come to such a far place. How about some tea? Well, you can take your time and look around. I tried an assortment of all kinds of things, so there must be something you'd like." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue11.ogg
Dialogue 12 「ぶぶ漬けなんて勧めへんよ。溜めたモンぜーんぶ出すか、それとももっともっと溜めはるか……思う存分、悩みはったらよろしおす。うちはここで見とるさかい」 "I can't recommend some pickled vegetables. Either I lay out eeeverything I have, or I gather more... you may stay and think for as long as you'd like. I'll be here, watching you." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue12.ogg
Dialogue 13 「毎度、おおきに」 "Thank you very much~." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue13.ogg
Dialogue 14 「おたなも商いも、うちにはようわからへんけど……あんたはんがこうして通ってくれるんは、悪ないわぁ。ほな、今後とも御贔屓に」 "I don't understand shops nor selling very well... but it's not bad to have you come by and visit all the time. Now, I'd like your favour from here on." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue14.ogg
Dialogue 15 「はいはい、交換。うっかり落とさんときや? ほな、またね」 "Here here, your things. Don't blank out and drop them, alright? Alright, I'll be seeing you." File:ShutenDoujiDialogue15.ogg
Dialogue 16 「これにておしまい、店じまい。残しても腐ってまうから、ちゃんと交換しとき?」 "And now it ends, and the shop is closed. Even if you leave them around they'll just rot, so make sure you trade it all in, okay?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue16.ogg
Dialogue 17 「景品交換、ちゃんと最後の一滴まで終わっとるん? お残しはあきまへんえ?」 "Did you trade everything you have until the last drop? Leftovers can't be forgiven, you know?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue17.ogg
Dialogue 18 「ふふふっ。食べ残し、絞り残し、どっちもあらへんようにね。景品はぜーんぶ交換しときや?」 "Fufufu. Leftovers, forgotten things, make sure neither of those are here. Trade in eeeverything, alright?" File:ShutenDoujiDialogue18.ogg