Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Shimamura Yū)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「エルドラドのバーサーカー……と呼ばれている。

Berserker of El Dorado... That is what they call me.

That should suffice for now.

Berserker of El Dorado, is what I'm called. That will be enough for now.

Level Up 「強さに果てはない」

Strength is limitless.

There is no end to strength.

1st Ascension 「女王としての威厳など。本来は強ささえあれば十分なのだが」

Strength is the only attribute essential to a queen's dignity.

Dignity of the Queen. Originally, it was fine as long as you had strength.

2nd Ascension 「成長か。歳を取るのでなければ望ましいが……」


As long as I don't age, I don't mind.

Growth, huh. It's desirable as long as I don't get older...

3rd Ascension 「この辺りが限度だ。これ以上華美になると、私がこの姿でいる意味がなくなる」

This is my limit.

If I were to become more gorgeous than this, there would be no point in me being in this form.

This is my limit. If I gain more splendour than this, the meaning of being in this form will disappear.

4th Ascension 「何を見ている。……だが、この姿のまま此処まで辿り着けたのは、貴様のお陰であるかもしれんな……。褒美だ。女王の隣で足をひたす事を許す──」

What are you staring at?

But...I suppose the fact that I was able to reach this state while maintaining this form is likely all thanks to you.
You will be permitted to soak your feet beside the queen as your reward.

What are you looking at. ...Still, it may be thanks to you that I could come this far in this form. A reward. I allow you to soak your feet next to the Queen.

Battle Start 1 「逃げる事は許さん!」

You may not flee.

Escape is not allowed!

Battle Start 2 「我が部族の力、その身で味わいたいと見える」

My tribe's power... Taste it for yourself!!!

The power of our tribe, I want to relish in it with that body.

Skill 1 「立っていられるか!」

Can you withstand this?

Can you keep standing?!

Skill 2 不埒者ふらちものめが!」

You wretch!

Insolent bastard!

Skill 3 「アレスの血よ!」

Oh, the bloodline of Ares!

Attack Selected 1 「よかろう」


Very well.

Attack Selected 2 「どうあれ潰す」

I will crush it.

I will crush anything.

Attack Selected 3 「迷うな!」

Don't hesitate.

Don't hesitate!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「貴様……貴様ぁ……!!」

Bastard... BASTAAARD...!

You bastard...you bastaard...!!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「遂に……来たか……!」

Finally...it's finally come!

So you've finally...come...?!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「ウゥ……ウアァア!!!」

Aaah... AAAHHH!!!


Attack 1 「砕けよ!」



Attack 2 ぜよ!」



Attack 3 「潰れて死ね!」


Get crushed and die!

Extra Attack 「肉塊に、成り果てるがいい!」

Shred you...

...to ribbons!

Be reduced to a lump of flesh!

Noble Phantasm 「アア、ウァァア……殺す……殺す、殺すッ!! 『我が瞋恚にて果てよ英雄アウトレイジ・アマゾーン』!! ……ウゥゥゥウウッ、ゥウウウウウッ!!! ……ッハァ……!」

Aaaaaah...kill, killkill!

Aaah... Aaah...

UU, UaaA...Kill...Kill,kill!! "Outrage Amazon"!! ...UuuuUU, uUUUUU!!! ...Haa...

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「そうこなくてはなっ!」

That's more like it!

Now you're talking!

Regular Damage 「ちっ!」



Defeated 1 「我が一族の……誇りにかけて」

For my tribe's...pride...!

On my tribe's...pride.

Defeated 2 「あの言葉は……言わせぬぞ……!」

Do not DARE say THAT word!

Don't say...that word...!

Battle Finish 1 「下らぬ。ただの弱者であったか」

Useless. You were just a weakling.

Foolish. So they were just weaklings.

Battle Finish 2 「なかなか骨のある強者つわものであった」

It was a formidable opponent.

They were fairly strong and also had a backbone.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「私は女王だ。マスターとはいえ、態度には気を付けてもらおう。不敬者には、それなりの報いを与えねばならん」

I am a queen. You may be my Master, but you'll need to be mindful of your behavior. Those who show disrespect will pay a price most dear.

I am a queen. Be careful with your attitude even if you are my Master. Insolence deserves an appropriate punishment.

Bond Lvl 2 「なるほどな。貴様の強さはその在り様か。それは私にはないものだ。なかなか興味深い」

I see. So that is your strength... It is...something I do not possess.

How intriguing.

I see. So your strength is like that. That is something I do not have. It's quite interesting.

Bond Lvl 3 「私にあるのは可愛げのない筋肉と、面倒くさい女王の矜持だけだぞ。こんな愛想も面白みもないサーヴァントに、かかずらっていていいのか? 物好きな人間だな、貴様は」

What I have is unflattering muscle and the stubborn pride of a queen.

Are you sure you want to invest so much in a Servant like me who neither friendly nor interesting?
...You truly are a curious one.

I only have my charmless muscles and the troublesome pride of a Queen. Is it fine to bother with such an unsociable and unappealing Servant? You are a human with strange tastes.

Bond Lvl 4 「我が真名すら知らぬ状況で、よくもまあここまで、だ。あまりの愚かさに感服するぞ」

How could you put so much effort into me when you do not even know my True Name?

I admire your idiocy.

Even in a situation where you don't even know my name, you had the nerve to make it this far. I admire your sheer stupidity.

Bond Lvl 5 「ここまでだ。私が貴様の視線に応える事は無い。だからこその私なのだ。だが、貴様のその視線自体を否定はすまい。どうあれ、私の中にそれがあるのは事実なのだからな」

This is it. I will not respond to your gaze. That is just who I am.

But I will not deny that gaze of yours.
After all, I cannot deny that...THAT exists within me.

This is where it ends. I will never respond to your gaze. That is why I am who I am. But, I won't deny your gaze itself. After all, it's a fact that I have "that" in me.

Dialogue 1 「我が同行者としての役割を果たせ、マスター。まだ見ぬ強敵を、そして決して許せぬ復讐の相手を……探しに出ようではないか」

Serve your role as my traveling partner, Master.

Let's head out in search of powerful enemies we have yet to meet...and my one nemesis whom I will never forgive.

Fulfill your role as my companion, Master. Let's look for yet unseen foes, then the target of my revenge who I'll never ever forgive.

Dialogue 2 「貴様はこの女王のマスターなのだ。それなりの威厳と強さを見せてもらわねば困る」

You are the Master of this queen. I expect you to demonstrate the appropriate strength and dignity for such a role.

You are the Master of this Queen. I'll be troubled if you don't show dignity and power befitting that.

Dialogue 3 「強きが上で、弱きが下だ。それ以外に何がある」

The strong rule the weak. What other way could there be?

The strong are superior while the weak are inferior. What else is there besides that?

Something you Like 「私の好きなものだと? 真剣勝負の戦場いくさばに、鍛錬、優秀な部下、姉妹たち……そして、まだ見ぬ強敵だ」

Things I like?

A true, earnest battle, training, capable subordinates, my sisters...
And powerful enemies I have yet to meet.

What do I like? A serious fight on a battlefield, training, excellent subordinates, my sisters...and powerful foes I haven't seen yet.

Something you Hate 「絶対に殺さねばならん奴らがいる。その時は邪魔をするなよ。……貴様から先に殺すぞ」

There is someone I absolutely must kill. Do not get in my way when that happens. If you do, I will kill you first.

There is a guy I must kill no matter what. If, at that time, you get in my way...I will kill you first.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯だと? もし手に入れたなら……私はただ、復讐を果たすためだけにそれを使うだろう」

The Holy Grail? Were it in my possession...I would probably use it only for my revenge.

The Holy Grail, you say? If I get my hands on it...I'll just simply use it to fulfill my revenge, I guess.

During an Event 「祭りに乗り遅れるな、マスター。強きものどもが集まってきているのだろう」

Don't get left behind in the event, Master.

Isn't it where all the strongest gather?

Don't miss the festival, Master. Strong people gather there, no?

Birthday 「ほう……めでたいことだな。我らに伝わる成長の祝いの儀式、試してみるか? なに、失敗すれば死ぬだけだ」

Oh? That is a joyous occasion.

Would you like to try my tribe's ritual to celebrate one's growth?
It'll only kill you if you fail.

Oh...This is a joyous event. Want to try the Rite of Passage that has been handed down to us? What, you'll only die if you fail.


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoning (True Name Revealed)
Summoned 「アマゾネスの女王、ペンテシレイア。召喚に応じ参上した。

Queen of the Amazons, Penthesilea. I have come in answer to your summons.

...First let me say: should Achilles be here, bring him out.
If you are hiding him from me, I will kill you.

Queen of the Amazons, Penthesilea. I have complied with your summons. Listen, firstly, if Achilles is here, get him out here. Keeping him a secret will get you killed.

Leveling (True Name Revealed)
Level Up 「強さに果てはない」

Strength is limitless.

There is no end to strength.

1st Ascension 「女王としての威厳など。本来は強ささえあれば十分なのだが」

Strength is the only attribute essential to a queen's dignity.

Dignity of the Queen. Originally, it was fine as long as you had strength.

2nd Ascension 「成長か。歳を取るのでなければ望ましいが……」


As long as I don't age, I don't mind.

Growth, huh. It's desirable as long as I don't get older...

3rd Ascension 「この辺りが限度だ。これ以上華美になると、私がこの姿でいる意味がなくなる」

This is my limit.

If I were to become more gorgeous than this, there would be no point in me being in this form.

This is my limit. If I gain more splendour than this, the meaning of being in this form will disappear.

4th Ascension 「何を見ている。……だが、この姿のまま此処まで辿り着けたのは、貴様のお陰であるかもしれんな……。褒美だ。女王の隣で足をひたす事を許す──」

What are you staring at?

But...I suppose the fact that I was able to reach this state while maintaining this form is likely all thanks to you.
You will be permitted to soak your feet beside the queen as your reward.

What are you looking at. ...Still, it may be thanks to you that I could come this far in this form. A reward. I allow you to soak your feet next to the Queen.

Battle (True Name Revealed)
Battle Start 1 「逃げる事は許さん!」

You may not flee.

Escape is not allowed!

Battle Start 2 「我が部族の力、その身で味わいたいと見える」

My tribe's power... Taste it for yourself!!!

The power of our tribe, I want to relish in it with that body.

Skill 1 「立っていられるか!」

Can you withstand this?

Can you keep standing?!

Skill 2 不埒者ふらちものめが!」

You wretch!

Insolent bastard!

Skill 3 「アレスの血よ!」

Oh, the bloodline of Ares!

Attack Selected 1 「よかろう」


Very well.

Attack Selected 2 「どうあれ潰す」

I will crush it.

I will crush anything.

Attack Selected 3 「迷うな!」

Don't hesitate.

Don't hesitate!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「貴様……貴様は!!」

Bastard... BASTAAARD...!

You bastard...you bastaard...!!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「遂に……来たか……!」

Finally...it's finally come!

So you've finally...come...?!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「ウゥ……ウアァア!!!」

Aaah... AAAHHH!!!


Attack 1 「砕けよ!」



Attack 2 ぜよ!」



Attack 3 「潰れて死ね!」


Get crushed and die!

Extra Attack 「肉塊に、成り果てるがいい!」

Shred you...

...to ribbons!

Be reduced to a lump of flesh!

Noble Phantasm 「アア……ゥアア……殺す、殺す……殺すッ!! 『我が瞋恚にて果てよ英雄アウトレイジ・アマゾーン』!! ……ウアア、ァアアアッ! ……ッ、アキレウスゥゥゥ! フゥァア……!」

Aaaaaah...kill, killkill!

Aaah... Aaah... Aaaaaaaaachilles!!!

AA...uAA...Kill, kill...KILL!! Outrage Amazon!! UAA, aAAA! ...ACHILLESSSS! UuaA...

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「そうこなくてはなっ!」

That's more like it!

Now you're talking!

Regular Damage 「ちっ!」



Defeated 1 「我が一族の……誇りにかけて」

For my tribe's...pride...!

On my tribe's...pride.

Defeated 2 「美しいとは……言わせぬぞ……!」

Do not DARE call me...beautiful!

Don't say...beautiful...!

Battle Finish 1 「下らぬ。ただの弱者であったか」

Useless. You were just a weakling.

Foolish. So they were just weaklings.

Battle Finish 2 「なかなか骨のある強者つわものであった」

It was a formidable opponent.

They were fairly strong and also had a backbone.

My Room (True Name Revealed)
Bond Lvl 1 「私は女王だ。マスターとはいえ、態度には気を付けてもらおう。不敬者には、それなりの報いを与えねばならん」

I am a queen. You may be my Master, but you'll need to be mindful of your behavior. Those who show disrespect will pay a price most dear.

I am a queen. Be careful with your attitude even if you are my Master. Insolence deserves an appropriate punishment.

Bond Lvl 2 「なるほどな。貴様の強さはその在り様か。それは私にはないものだ。なかなか興味深い」

I see. So that is your strength... It is...something I do not possess.

How intriguing.

I see. So your strength is like that. That is something I do not have. It's quite interesting.

Bond Lvl 3 「私にあるのは可愛げのない筋肉と、面倒くさい女王の矜持だけだぞ。こんな愛想も面白みもないサーヴァントに、かかずらっていていいのか? 物好きな人間だな、貴様は」

What I have is unflattering muscle and the stubborn pride of a queen.

Are you sure you want to invest so much in a Servant like me who is neither friendly nor interesting?
...You truly are a curious one.

I only have my charmless muscles and the troublesome pride of a Queen. Is it fine to bother with such an unsociable and unappealing Servant? You are a human with strange tastes.

Bond Lvl 4 「頼む、私を女として見るな。そういうのはもう、懲りたのだ。人生でたった一度しか与えられなかった、高名な英雄との一騎打ちがそれに邪魔されれば──疎ましくもなるだろう?」

I beg of you, do not see me as a woman. I am tired of being seen that way.

My once in a lifetime one-on-one combat against a renowned hero was interrupted by that treatment...
Do you now understand my resentment?

Please. Do not see me as a woman. I've had enough of that. It would be unpleasant if it got in the way of my once in a lietime showdown with a famed hero.

Bond Lvl 5 「ちっ、愚か者め……。だが私も考え方を変えた。どうしても私の中に女を、美しさを見てしまうというのなら、私はそれ以上の強さをもって、それを塗り潰すしかあるまい。覚悟するがいい、マスター! 貴様はこれから永劫、私の強さを一番近くで見続けるのだ!」

Tsk...you're such a fool.

But I have changed my way of thinking. If you can't help seeing me as a woman, and as beautiful...I just need my strength to eclipse both!
Brace yourself, Master! You will have a front row seat to witness my power...for eternity!

Tch, you fool. However, I've already changed my way of thinking. If you want to see the woman, the beauty inside me no matter what, then I'll have to paint it over with strength that outweighs it. Prepare yourself, Master. After this, you'll be gazing at my strength for eternity from the closest spot.

Dialogue 1 「我が同行者としての役割を果たせ、マスター。まだ見ぬ強敵を、そして決して許せぬ復讐の相手を……探しに出ようではないか」

Serve your role as my traveling partner, Master.

Let's head out in search of powerful enemies we have yet to meet...and my one nemesis whom I will never forgive.

Fulfill your role as my companion, Master. Let's look for yet unseen foes, then the target of my revenge who I'll never ever forgive.

Dialogue 2 「貴様はこの女王のマスターなのだ。それなりの威厳と強さを見せてもらわねば困る」

You are the Master of this queen. I expect you to demonstrate the appropriate strength and dignity for such a role.

You are the Master of this Queen. I'll be troubled if you don't show dignity and power befitting that.

Dialogue 3 「強きが上で、弱きが下だ。それ以外に何がある」

The strong rule the weak. What other way could there be?

The strong are superior while the weak are inferior. What else is there besides that?

Dialogue 4
「ヘラクレス……! 我が姉、ヒッポリュテの仇……!」

Heracles...! I will avenge my older sister, Hippolyta!

Heracles...! My elder sister, Hippolyta's enemy...!

Dialogue 5

So that's Hektor of the Shining Helmet...

If only I had arrived earlier, I could have lent him my strength. We might have led Troy to victory. How regrettable...

That's, Hector of the Shining Helmet...If I arrived a little earlier, cooperating together, we might have been able to lead Troy to victory. ...How regrettable.

Dialogue 6
「アキレウス……! アキレウスッ! どこだっ! どこに行った! 殺す……!」

Achilles! ACHILLEEES! Where the hell are you!? I'll kill you!

Achilles ...! Achilles! Where are you! Where did you go! I will kill You……!

Dialogue 7

It matters not if our limbs are crushed or even ripped off. Amazons continue fighting. We have no use for healers. Then again... I suppose he did revive my nephew. I should thank him for that.

Dialogue 8

Prince Paris, is that you? I never thought I would be fighting alongside you once again. That former disgrace will be erased in battle. I vow that you will not see such an unsightly display ever again.

Dialogue 9

Odysseus is here!?

Yes, I know him.
I also know that it was not the sword or spear of a hero that ended the war, but some dirty scheme of his!
One of these days I'll have to teach him the proper ways of war!

Something you Like 「私の好きなものだと? 真剣勝負の戦場いくさばに、鍛錬、優秀な部下、姉妹たち……そして、まだ見ぬ強敵だ」

Things I like?

A true, earnest battle, training, capable subordinates, my sisters...
And powerful enemies I have yet to meet.

What do I like? A serious fight on a battlefield, training, excellent subordinates, my sisters...and powerful foes I haven't seen yet.

Something you Hate 「ヘラクレス、テセウス、そしてアキレウス! ふん! 英雄、英雄か。奴らのせいで我らアマゾネスの国は滅茶苦茶になったのだぞ! ──強者つわものなのは認めるがな」

Heracles, Theseus, and Achilles...

Hmph. Heroes, heroes, and more heroes.
They are the reason for the fall of the nation of Amazons.
...Though I do admit they are powerful enemies.

Heracles, Theseus and Achilles! Hmph, heroes. Heroes, huh? Because of them, our country of Amazons was turned into a mess. But I admit they are strong.

About the Holy Grail 「私が聖杯に願う事は決まっている。貴様もそれを知っているはずだ。あの男と、もう一度、そして今度こそ……!」

My wish upon the Holy Grail could be only one thing. You should know very well what it is.

Once more... With that man...
And this time...!

My wish for the Holy Grail has been decided. You ought to know too. With that man, once again, and this time for sure...!

During an Event 「祭りに乗り遅れるな、マスター。強きものどもが集まってきているのだろう?」

Don't get left behind in the event, Master.

Isn't it where all the strongest gather?

Don't miss the festival, Master. Strong people gather there, no?

Birthday 「ほう……めでたいことだな。我らに伝わる成長の祝いの儀式、試してみるか? なに、失敗すれば死ぬだけだ」

Oh? That is a joyous occasion.

Would you like to try my tribe's ritual to celebrate one's growth?
It'll only kill you if you fail.

Oh...This is a joyous event. Want to try the Rite of Passage that has been handed down to us? What, you'll only die if you fail.


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Battle Start 1 「配達の時間だ」

It's time to make deliveries.

Battle Start 2 「こんにちは、アマゾネス・ドットコムです」

Hello, this is Amazones.com.

Skill 1 「サインか判子をお願いします」

Your signature or stamp, please.

Skill 2 「伝票を確認しよう」

Let me check the voucher.

Skill 3 「ブラッシュアップが必要だ」

A brush-up's needed.

Attack Selected 1 「ソリューションが見えるな」

I have a clear solution.

Attack Selected 2 「次はこのサービスだ」

This is our next service.

Attack Selected 3 「まごころを込めて」

With pleasure!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「受け取って頂こう!」

I'll have you accept it!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「CEOの力、見るがいい!」

Behold the power of the CEO!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「よし、これでフィックスだ」

Okay, that's been solidified.

Attack 1 「イノベーションをくらえ!」

Eat our innovation!

Attack 2 「イニシアチブを取る!」

We're taking the initiative!

Attack 3 「ネゴシエーションを行う!」

We'll be negotiating!

Extra Attack 「配達の極意は……筋肉にあり!」

The secret to deliveries is...

...in the MUSCLES!

Noble Phantasm 「このパワフルな配達例をご覧ください。クリック一つで、銀河のどこでも迅速配達! 頼もしい筋肉が荷物を守ります。そう、アマゾネス・ドットコムならね。さらに便利なプライム会員にもなれます」

Take a look at these powerful delivery lines.

Deliveries can be made to anywhere in the galaxy with a single click.
Reliable muscles will protect all shipments...if you choose to use Amazones.com.
You also have the option to become a member of the even more useful Premium service.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「暴れるな、お客様っ!」

Do not get agitated, my dear shopper!

Regular Damage 「くっ!」


Defeated 1 「こんな……クレームに、屈するなど……!」

I will not bend to...a complaint like that...!

Defeated 2 「リスケジュールが……必要、だ……」

We must...reschedule...!

Battle Finish 1 「ご利用、ありがとうございました」

Thank you for using Amazones.com.

Battle Finish 2 「配達、完了である」

Delivery complete!

Event (Amazoness.com ~CEO Crisis 2020~)
Dialogue 1 「我がアマゾネス・ドットコムの誇る保養施設へようこそ。配達の疲れを心行くまで癒し、そしてまた、次の配達へ向かってくれ」

Welcome to Amazones.com's relaxation facility.

Stay here as long as you like to recover from all the deliveries you make...and then head out for more deliveries.

Dialogue 2 「ふふふ、どうだ? このラグジュアリーでハイセンスな空間は。銀河経済紙の特集で紹介された事もあるぞ?」

Hehe...what do you think of this wonderful, luxurious space?

It has even been featured in an issue of Galactic Economics Journal.

Dialogue 3 「腹を満たすも善し、汗を洗い流すも善し。可能性は無限大だ。諸君らのクリエイティビティに溢れたフレキシブルな活用を期待する!」

You can sate your hunger or wash away a hard day's work...

The possibilities here are endless.
I expect you all to demonstrate your creative approaches to using this space!

Dialogue 4 「従業員が安心して働ける環境作りも、一流企業の証。何か足りないものがあれば言ってくれ。CEOとして善処しよう」

Creating a work environment the employees can trust and feel safe in is a sign of a first-rate company.

If there's anything you want, just tell me. I will take proper measures as CEO.

Dialogue 5 「来たか。何かわからない事があれば、社内マニュアルを熟読するように。各人に配布されているデバイスで必ず読める筈だぞ。そう、そこの大きなバナーだ」

You've arrived. If you have any questions, I suggest you carefully read through the company's manual. It is available on all devices distributed to employees.

Yes, follow that giant banner you see there.

Dialogue 6 「ふふっ、この保養施設の素晴らしさが忘れられなかったか? 仕方のない奴だな」

Hehe...couldn't resist coming back to the relaxation facility, huh?

You're unbelievable.

Dialogue 7 「本来なら部外者は利用できない場所だが、お前は名誉社員で、私は人の心がわかるCEO。うるさくは言うまい。存分に癒された後、自らの使命に戻るがいい」

Normally outsiders are forbidden to use this facility, but since you're an honorary employee, as a fair and understanding CEO I have no objections.

Heal yourself well, then return to your duties.

Dialogue 8 「配達業務ご苦労。お待ちかねの、給与の時間である!」

Good work on your delivery duties!

It's time for your much anticipated payday!

Dialogue 9 「日々の過酷な仕事によく耐え、頑張っているな。これは私からの差し入れだ、皆で分けるがいい」

I see you've endured the demanding tasks and are working hard.

This is a little something from me. Do share it.

Dialogue 10 「喰らえエエエエエッ!! これが、ボーナスというものだッ!!」

Take this!!!

This is...what a bonus looks like!!!

Dialogue 11 「どうした? 給与の未払いでもあったのか? それは大変だ、先ずはハンコを……なに? 私に会いに来た……? 何を言っとるんだお前は」

What's wrong? Are there any unpaid salaries?

That's no good. If you can sign here...
What? You came to see me?
What in blazes are you talking about?

Dialogue 12 「過去の給与明細を眺めて、ついほくそ笑んでしまう……良く働いた従業員のみが味わえる喜びだ。止めはしないぞ」

Looking back at past pay stubs and grinning with delight...

It's a feeling of satisfaction only hardworking employees can enjoy, so I won't stop you.

Dialogue 13 「居心地が良過ぎるというのも考えものだな。仕事を忘れている従業員がいるようだ」

Making the facility TOO comfortable can be a problem too.

It appears there are some employees who've forgotten to return to their duties.

Dialogue 14 「アヴェイラブルなマンパワーが溢れているようだぞ。リスケジュールを要請する」

There seems to be an abundance of available manpower right now.

They should be reassigned.

Dialogue 15 「ビジネスシーンで重要なのは速度だ。休むべき時に休み、働くべき時に働けない者から死んでいく。……この意味は、わかるな?」

Speed is essential for business.

Rest when you're off, and those who slack off during work hours will be the first to go.
Do you understand?

Dialogue 16 「またのご利用をお待ちしております」

Thank you, come again.

Dialogue 17 「お客様はまだまだ待っている。次だ!」

There are other customers waiting...next!

Dialogue 18 「デリバリー、コンプリート!」

Delivery complete!

Dialogue 19 「予定のタスクを完了した。一先ず戻って、英気を養おうではないか」

The scheduled task is complete.

Come back for the time being and restore your energy.

Dialogue 20 「この困難なミッションを良くぞ乗り越えてくれた。お前達なら立派な正社員になれる。このCEOが保障しよう!」

Good work completing that difficult mission.

You're worthy of becoming a full-time employee. You have the CEO's seal of approval!

Dialogue 21 「アーマーゾーネースー! ……ふふっ。気分良く仕事を終えると、思わず社歌が漏れてしまうな」


Hehe. I'm compelled to sing the company anthem whenever I finish a task in a good mood.

Dialogue 22 「配達に限りはない!」

There is no limit to deliveries!

Dialogue 23 「く、ふふ……このモーニングアマゾネスCEOスターも、配達の歓喜に打ち震えているぞ!」

Kuku...CEO Morning Star is also trembling with joy from the deliveries!

Dialogue 24 「予定の半ば程までは過ぎたか。悪くないペースだ。時間指定をしたのに留守にしているような、不届きなカスタマーも居なかったしな」

We've reached the halfway point. Going at a good pace.

And we didn't even have any idiotic customers who designated a delivery time but were not home.

Dialogue 25 「まさかこの山も乗り越えられるとは……お前達をアウトソーシング相手に選んだ私の判断は、やはり間違っていなかったようだ」

I can't believe we overcame such a thing.

My decision to hire you as outsourced employees was correct.

Dialogue 26 「イニシアチブを握り続ける! それが、アマゾネス・ドットコムである!」

We will continue to take initiative...that is what Amazones.com is all about!

Dialogue 27 「CEOアイは、出会った瞬間に相手がモンスタークレーマーかどうかを見抜く。故に先手必勝だ!」

The CEO-I's job is to instantly determine if the customer will make outrageous complaints! We need to always be one step ahead!

Dialogue 28 「大事な荷物を運んでいるという緊張感、お客様の笑顔、そしてモーニングアマゾネスCEOスターが肉を抉る手応え…………やはり現場は良い」

The nerve-wracking feeling of handling precious cargo...the customer's smile...and the sensation of my CEO Morning Star gouging out flesh... Being out in the field is always wonderful.

Dialogue 29 「顔付きが変わってきたな。どんなに困難な道のりでも結果にコミットする、真のアマゾネス魂……それがお前にも宿ってきているような気がする」

You've got a nice look about you now. Committing oneself to a task, no matter what kind of hardships present themselves, is the true spirit of Amazones.

I feel like that's rubbed on to you as well.

Dialogue 30 「ノルマ達成だな。だが、この仕事に終わりはない。アマゾネス・ドットコムは、いつでも君を待っている!」

You've reached your quota. But there's always work to be done.

Amazones.com will always welcome you.

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