Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Inada Tetsu)


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「私は、ニコラ・テスラ。天才だ。」

I'm Nikola Tesla, the genius.

Level Up 「充電完了、チャージアップ!」

Charge complete! CHARGE UP!

1st Ascension 「これで、私はインドラを超えた!」

With this I have surpassed Indra.

2nd Ascension 「これで、私はペルクナスを超えた!」

At last I have surpassed Perkūnas.

3rd Ascension 「これで、私はゼウスを超えた!」

And now I have surpassed even Zeus!

4th Ascension 「見るがいい! これぞワールドシステムである!」

Behold... This is my world system.

Battle Start 1 「ごきげんよう諸君。ここに、我が天才の一端いったんをお見せしよう」

Greetings. Allow me to demonstrate my brilliance to you.

Battle Start 2 「ニコラ・テスラ。見参である」

Nikola Tesla, on the scene.

Battle Start 3 「叡智は此処に。天のいかずちは此処に!」

Bring forth wisdom and lightning from the heavens here!

Wisdom is here. The lightning of heaven is here!

Battle Start 4 「っはっはっはッ!! さあて!」

Hahaha! Let's do this!

Hahaha!! Well then!

Skill 1 「左様──星の開拓者!」

Indeed! Pioneer of the Stars!

Skill 2 「っはっはっはっは!」


Skill 3 「テスラコイルである」

It's a Tesla coil!

The Tesla Coil.

Skill 4 「おっと、また閃いた!」

Hey, I'm inspired again!

Whoa, yet another flash of insight!

Attack Selected 1 「っはは!」


Attack Selected 2 「よろしく」

Well then!

Attack Selected 3 「ライトニンッ!」


Noble Phantasm Selected 「刮目せよ!」

Attention please!

Attack 1 「ふん!」


Attack 2 「はぁっ!」


Attack 3 「っはははは!」


Attack 4 「三相交流ッ!」

Three-phase alternating current!

Three-phase alternating current!

Attack 5 「ライトニンッ!!」



Attack 6 「こういうのもある!」

I have this up my sleeve too!

There's also something like this!

Extra Attack 1 「痺れるぞ、耐えてみろ!」

See if you can handle this numbness!

Extra Attack 2 「ふはははははははァ!」



Extra Attack 3 「刮ッ! 目ッ! せよォォォオッ!!」

Attention! Please!

Have! A look! Carefullyyy!!

Extra Attack 4 「見よ! 人類の力ッ!」

Behold the power of humanity!

Behold! The power of humanity!

Noble Phantasm 1 「神の雷霆らいてい此処ここにある。さぁ、ご覧に入れよう! 『人類神話・雷電降臨システム・ケラウノス』!!」

The lightning storms of God are here before us!

Now Behold!

Here exists god's thunder! Come now please try to pay attention! System Keraunos!

Noble Phantasm 2 いにしえの神々よ、眠れ! 今や! 我々こそが神話を紡ぐ! 『人類神話・雷電降臨システム・ケラウノス』!!」」

O ancient gods...sleep!

Now is the time we humans weave our own mythos!
System Keraunos!

Gods of yore, sleep! For now! We ourselves shall spin our myth! "Human Mythos - Thunderous AdventSystem Keraunos"!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「ぬぐっ……!」


Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「なる、ほど……ッ!」

I see!

I, see…!

Regular Damage 1 「っふふん」


Regular Damage 2 「ふふんっ」



Defeated 1 「雷電は……消えはしない……!」

Lightning never dies...

Defeated 2 「そう、か……!」

I see...

Defeated 3 「光を……消しては、ならない……!」

Don't let...the light get extinguished...

The light… must not, be turned off…!

Defeated 4 「さら、ば……」


Fare, well…

Battle Finish 1 「神とは何だ? そう、いかずちだ」

What is God? Yes, lightning, of course!

Battle Finish 2 「人類神話、雷電降臨!」

Lightning hath descended!

Battle Finish 3 「当然の帰結だな」

A natural consequence.

The natural result.

Battle Finish 4 「今は眠れ。私の敵よ」

Sleep for now, my enemy.

Sleep for now. Enemies of mine.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「私は天才だ。故に、あらゆることを成す」

I am a true genius. That is why, I am capable of many things.

Bond Lvl 2 「空に雷電が生ずるように。私は世界に生じたのだよ。必然として」

Just as lightning is born into the skies so was I born to this world. It was inevitable.

Bond Lvl 3 「人類神話は新たに構築されていく。すなわち私が導いた、新たなる時代!」

I am building a new era of human mythos.

Leading us into a brand new era!

Bond Lvl 4 「人類神話とはなにか? ああ、それはこの私の造語だ」

Human mythos?

Oh, that...is a phrase I made up.

Bond Lvl 5 「我が雷電を阻むことは出来ない。あの男、悪鬼エジソンを除いては」

No one can stop our righteous lightning.

None but that miscreant Edison...

It is impossible to stop my lightning. However there is a single exception - the demon Edison.

Bond Lvl 5
(Clear Olympus)
「ゼウスの打倒、破神同盟の私に代わって礼を言おう、マスター。……しかし、そうか。機神、アトランティスの古代文明……私の予想した以上に、太古の神秘とは興味深いものと見た。こうして現界している内に、何らかの研究成果を出さねばならんなぁ。……ん? いや、ハッハッハ、こちらの話だとも」

Zeus has been defeated!

On behalf of the me who was part of the God Destroyer Alliance, I thank you, Master.
But then again...those divine mechs...an ancient civilization in Atlantis... Ancient enigmas are far more interesting than I imagined.
It's probably best I submit my findings from my research while I'm manifesting.
Nm, no nothing! Hahaha. I'm just talking to myself.

I thank you on behalf of the me from the God Destroying Alliance, Master. …However, I see. Machine Gods, the ancient civilization of Atlantis… I saw that the mystics of ancient times are more interesting than I ever imagined. I should produce some research results wile I'm materialized now. …Hm? No, hahaha, I'm talking to myself.

Dialogue 1 「立ち止まっている暇はない。世界が、未来が! 君を待っている」

We have no time to stop.

The world, the future, it calls for you.

We have no time to just stand here. The world and the future is waiting for you!

Dialogue 1
(Clear Olympus)
「明日を取り戻す──そうだったな? ああ、行こうマスター」

To take back our tomorrow... Yes, that was indeed our objective. Well then, let's go, Master!

To recover our tomorrow ── Is that how it was? Yes, let's go, Master.

Dialogue 2 「問題ない。君が私のマスターであるならば、私は君を導く師となろう」

Not a problem.

If you are my Master, then I'll be the mentor who guides you.

No problem. If you are my master, then I shall be the teacher that shows you the way.

Dialogue 3 「君の奮闘に期待する、マスター」

I look forward to your efforts, Master.

I look forward to your endeavors, Master.

Dialogue 4 「私は、紳士足らんとする男だ。故に、君を守り戦うと空に誓う」

On my word as a gentleman, I swear to the skies that I will fight to defend you.

I am a man who tries to be as much of a gentleman as possible. Thus, I swear to the skies that I will protect and fight for you.

Dialogue 5 「ゼウス、インドラ、トール、ペルクナス、サンダーバード。古くより、人は雷電を畏敬した」

Zeus, Indra, Thor, Perkūnas, Thunderbird... Since ancient times humans have adored lightning.

Zeus, Indra, Thor, Perkunas, and Thunderbird. From antiquity, man revered thunder and lightning.

Dialogue 6 「痺れるぞ、気をつけたまえ」

This might make you go numb. Be careful.

Watch yourself. You might get shocked.

Dialogue 7
(Thomas Edison & Helena Blavatsky or Helena Blavatsky (Archer))
「エジソン貴様ァ!! 今日という今日は決着を付けるぞ! ん? エレナ君!? いやその、喧嘩しているわけでは……ハイ、喧嘩でした。も、申し訳ない……」

Why you, Edison!

I'm going to settle things with you once and for all today!
...Hm? Oh, it's you, Helena.
Well no, we're not fighting...
...Yes. We were fighting.

Edison, you bastard!! Today we're settling the score for good! Hm? Helena-kun?! No, er, it's not like it was a quarre-… Yes, it was a quarrel. I-I apologize…

Dialogue 8
(See the references[1])

I detect lightning...

So these are Heroic Spirits who carry the enigma of lightning, I see...

The presence of thunder… Heroic Spirits brandishing the mystics of thunder, huh. I see.

Dialogue 9
(Charles Babbage)
「バベッジ卿! ここにいらしたか! では、研究の続きといきましょう!」

Sir Babbage! So this is where you were. Let us continue with our research.

Lord Babbage! So you were here! Then, let us continue with our research!

Dialogue 10
(Odysseus & Clear Olympus)

Ah, the Heroic Spirit Odysseus!

I would very much appreciate it if you could participate in my research, particularly to analyze that Noble Phantasm of yours!
I see it's somehow related to the ancient Atlantean civilization, but what is your take on it?

Ooh, Heroic Spirit Odysseus. By all means we'd be delighted to include you in our research. Specifically to analyze your Noble Phantasm. I saw it has a connection to the ancient civilization of Atlantis but what do you think?

Dialogue 11
「ミズ・エウロペ、貴女の宝具も実に興味深い。ゼウス神に賜ったという巨人、そして鋼の牛。どうだろう、我々の研究の発展のために……ん? な、なんです? ゼウス神にどことなく似ている? 私がですか? ぁいや、それは……なに? 帯電している感じが懐かしい? いやその、なんと言えばいいか……ハ、ハッハッハ……」

Ms. Europa, your Noble Phantasm intrigues me greatly! I am very interested in that giant Zeus gave you, as well as that steel bull. What do you say? Would you care to take part in advancing my research... Wh-what is it?

I look a bit like Zeus...? Th-that's not...
What? My electric discharges are what make me similar to him? Well I...I don't really know what to say to that...ha...hahaha...

Miss Europa. Her Noble Phantasms are really interesting as well. The giant gifted by Zeus, and the bull of steel. What do you say, for the sake of our research's progress would you…? Hm? W-What is it? I vaguely resemble Zeus? Do you mean me? Ah, no, that is… What? The electrifying sensation is nostalgic? No er, what should I say…? Ha, hahaha…

Dialogue 12
(Helena Blavatsky or Helena Blavatsky (Archer) & Clear Traum)
「エレナ君。その、大事ないか? ミスター・ホームズについては──あ痛たたたたたたた! 耳を引っ張らないでくれるかな、エレナ君!? ……やれやれ。しかし元気なようで安心したとも。何かあれば、いつでも言ってくれたまえよ?」
    Something you Like 「英霊としての私は、雷電そのもの。故に、空を私は愛する」

    As a Heroic Spirit I am now lightning itself, and as such the skies welcome me.

    As a heroic spirit, I am thunder and lightning itself. Thus, I love the sky.

    Something you Hate 「世界に、悪鬼は存在する。時にそれは人の形を取ることもある」

    There is evil within this world.

    At time it may even take a human form.

    Evil spirits exist in this world. Sometimes, those spirits also take human form

    About the Holy Grail 「聖杯、万能の願望器。実に、興味深い研究対象だ」

    The Holy Grail. Pure, unlimited desire...

    It would be a wonder to research.

    The Holy Grail. The almighty wish-granting vessel. A truly intriguing research subject.

    During an Event 「雷電が君を呼んでいる、何やら新たな出来事だ。さぁ、行こう」

    The lightning calls for you.

    Something is afoot. Let us go.

    Birthday 何時如何いついかなる時も新たな命が芽吹く、生まれいでる。すなわち、誕生日おめでとう」

    At all places and at all time, a new life is created.

    That is to say, happy birthday.


    1. One of the following Servants:
      S076A1Icon S176A1Icon S299A1Icon S084A1Icon S078A1Icon S181A1Icon S028A1Icon S108A1Icon S115A1Icon S205A1Icon S051A1Icon S082A1Icon S114A1Icon S282A1Icon S403A1Icon S393A1Icon


    Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
    Occasion Japanese English Audio
    Dead Heat Summer Race!
    Dialogue 1 エレナ「ふうっ。結構体力使うのね、レースって」


    Helena: Whew, I never knew racing took so much out of you!

    Edison: This is the perfect time for Edison's proprietary power drink!
    Tesla: Better yet, how about a Tesla-style massage?

    Helena: Fuuh. It uses quite a lot of your energies, the race

    Lion: It's for those times, that there's Edison's special power drink!
    Gentleman: Rather than that, how about a muscle massage by Tesla?

    Dialogue 2 エレナ「こういうものは、順位よりも、どう自分が満足出来たかだと思うの」

    獅子「そう! 重要なのは、エレナくんのストレス解しょ──ん、んんっ! なんでもないぞ」

    Helena: What matters the most here is not our placement, but how satisfied you are of your performance.

    Tesla: Absolutely correct!
    Edison: Indeed! What's important is how much steam Helena was able to blow off...ahem! (Cough) Ahem! No, nothing!

    Helena: I think that, rather than the ranking, how satisfied you are is more important here

    Gentleman: Exactly.
    Lion: Indeed! The important thing here, is that Helena-kun releases some stress-n, nn! I said nothing.

    Dialogue 3 紳士「絶好調! と言っておこうか」

    獅子「うむ。貴様に同意するのはシャクだが……ぜっ こう ちょう ! と言っておこう!」

    Tesla: We are in top form, as the phrase goes!

    Edison: Um. I hate to agree with you, but I must also say we're in top form!
    Helena: Let's rest up and prepare for what's coming up.

    Gentleman: In perfect form! We could say!

    Lion: Umu. It's hard to agree with you, but…… Per-fect-form! We can say it!
    Helena: Rest properly, and prepare for the next one.

    Dialogue 4 獅子「これはいかんぞ……牢獄に囚われるなどとは……」

    紳士「せっかくレースで彼女にストレス解しょ、ごほん! えほん、おほん!」

    Edison: Getting locked up is the worst...!

    Tesla: And we just wanted her to blow off stea—ahem! Cough!
    Helena: Hmmm, this is a once in a lifetime experience, isn't it?

    Lion: This isn't good…… To be confined at a prison……

    Gentleman: Now that she was releasing some stress at the race, *cough*! *cough cough*!
    Helena: Nn~, this is quite a bad experience.

    Dialogue 5 エレナ「穴堀りって、結構それはそれで楽しいかもしれないわね!」

    紳士「交流ドリルこそ最強に決まっているだろ! どこまでも堀り進める」

    Helena: Digging holes is kind of fun in its own odd way!

    Edison: Using my DC powers, digging holes is a cakewalk!
    Tesla: My AC drill is obviously superior. We'll be able to keep on digging!

    Helena: Digging holes, that could be quite fun actually!

    Lion: If we depend on my DC, digging a hole is simple, simple!
    Gentleman: It's obvious that a DC drill is the best! It can continue digging as much as we want.

    Dialogue 6 エレナ「ずっと掘り続けるのも疲れちゃうし、休み休み行きましょうね。ふぅっ」

    エレナ「あらホント? 白くてフワフワで最高ね!」
    獅子「私だ私! クッションじゃない!」

    Helena: I'm exhausted from this nonstop digging. Let's do it in intervals. Whew.

    Tesla: Hey, there happens to be a cushion right here...
    Helena: Oh, you're right. It's white and fluffy, and wonderful!
    Edison: It's me! Me! I'm no cushion!

    Helena: It'd be tiring if I kept digging all the time, so I'm going to have some rest. Fuuh

    Gentleman: Oh. There's a cushion in this place
    Helena: Oh really? It's white and fluffy, it's the best!
    Lion: It's me, me! I'm not a cushion!

    Dialogue 7 エレナ「いっちば~ん! やったわね!」

    獅子「うむ! この調子で行けば、優勝も狙えそうだ」

    Helena: We're first! Hurray!

    Edison: Indeed. The way we're going, we can even aim for the championship!
    Tesla: I say our victory is certain!
    Why, you ask!?
    By manifesting divine lightning on the ground, we...
    Edison: What do you think you're doing getting in front of me, tightsuit!?
    Helena: Now, now!

    Helena: Fi~rst! We did it!

    Lion: If we keep this pace, we can aim to win
    Gentleman: I'd say we'd undoubtedly be the champions. Because the god of thunder has appeared above the earth──
    Lion: What are we going to do if you step forth to talk, you tight suitーー!!
    Helena: My, my

    Dialogue 8 エレナ「ゴーールッ! スーッと行けちゃったわね。マスターに応援してもらったおかげかしら?」

    獅子「うむ! 全くその通り!」

    Helena: Goaaal! That went great!

    I guess Master must have been cheering for us!
    Tesla: That is surely part of it. But our assistance has also been invaluable!
    Edison: Indeed. You are exactly right!
    Helena: Hehehe, we're in perfect sync!

    Helena: Gooal! We went straight for it. Is it because Master was supporting us?

    Gentleman: There's also that. But, we also assisted you!
    Lion: Umu! You're absolutely right!
    Helena: Uffufu. We are in perfect sync.

    Dialogue 9 紳士獅子「ゴォーーーールッ!!」


    Edison & Tesla: Goaaal!

    Helena: Yikes, you surprised me. I'm glad you two are getting along.
    Hehe, it's wonderful!
    Edison: No, that was more coincidence than anyth...
    Tesla: Don't say it. This will have to be our little secret...

    Gentleman & Lion: Gooooal!!

    Helena: Uwaa, you surprised me. You two get along. Ufufu, very well?
    Lion: No, er, that now was a coincidence……
    Gentleman: Don't say it. We can't hide it in our chests.

    Dialogue 10 獅子「我ら三名の力をもってすれば当然ではあるが……穴掘りナンバーワンと言われても、実はあまり嬉しくなぁ~いっ!」


    Edison: Such an outcome is only to be expected when the three of us combine our powers, but being called the number one hole digger is not something to be happy about!

    Tesla: Heh heh...a mole...a mole-lion...
    Helena: Cut it out! Don't tease him.
    Besides, being the best at digging is wonderful.

    Lion: If it's with the power of us three, it's natural but…… Saying that we're the number ones at digging holes, doesn't really make me happy~!

    Gentleman: Kuku, you're a mole. A mole lion.
    Helena: Heey, don't mock him. Also, isn't lovely to be the number ones at digging holes?

    Dialogue 11 エレナ「えっ? アタシたちが一番穴掘ってたってこと?」

    エレナ「はーいはい。いちいちイライラしないの。喜びましょう? やったね!」

    Helena: Eh? Does that mean we dug the most?

    Tesla: Say what...? It's true that I was serious, but I never expected this outcome...
    Edison: So this is the true power of DC...or at least a part of it... Wonderful...just wonderful, is it not...?
    Tesla: WHAT???
    Helena: Yes, yes, don't get all testy over the little stuff. Let's just be happy about our accomplishment! Yay!
    Tesla: Y-yes. Good work!

    Helena: Eh? You mean we dag the best hole?

    Gentleman: What. It doesn't look like we got quite serious.
    Lion: This is…… DC's true power, you partly say that. Wonderful. Since this is wonderful……!
    Gentleman: Haa~?!
    Helena: Yes, yes. Don't get so irritated. Let's rejoice? We did it!
    Gentleman: M, um. We did it!

    Dialogue 12 エレナ「ちょっと疲れたわね~。たくさん掘った訳だから、休みましょう」

    獅子「賛成である! ……んごごzzz」

    Helena: I'm beat!

    We dug a lot, so let's take a break!
    Edison: I agree... Zzzzz...
    Tesla: Even geniuses need rest... Zzzzz...
    Helena: Oh my... They both fell asleep standing up.
    Teehee... Even big as they are, they're like children.

    Helena: I'm a bit tired~. We've dug a lot, so let's rest.

    Lion: I agree! ……Hrmph zzz
    Gentleman: Geniuses also need some rest…… *yawn* zzz
    Helena: My, those two fell asleep while standing. Ufufu, Even though they're so big, they look like kids.

    Dialogue 13 エレナ「優勝ね! まさか本当に優勝出来ちゃうなんて。出来たらいいなって思っていたのは本当だから、素直に喜ぶわ! わーい! やったーっ!!」

    エレナ「マスター、応援ありがとう! それから二人とも! 頑張ってくれて嬉しいわ! 好きよ♪」

    Helena: We won! I can't believe we actually won!

    ...I was hoping this might happen, so I think it's okay to celebrate.
    Hurray, we did it!
    Edison: Look, Tesla... I have never seen Helena happier.
    Tesla: Quite. It's just what we wanted to see. What a lovely smile.
    It shines brighter than any alternating or direct current.
    Edison: Indeed... It truly does shine brighter than any direct or alternating current. What a wonderful smile...
    Helena: Master, thank you for your support.
    And you two, thank you so much for all your hard work.
    I love you both!

    Helena: Champions! To think I really could become the champion. I did thought it'd be nice if I could, so I'm honestly happy! Yay! We did it!

    Lion: Look, Tesla…… Helena-kun looks so happy──
    Gentleman: Yes. It's the form we wanted to see. A bright smile. Brighter than any AC or DC!
    Lion: Hm. More dazzling than any AC or DC, the best smile……
    Helena: Master, thanks for your support! And you two! I'm happy you did your best! I love you♪

    Battle in New York 2022
    Dialogue 1 「我が交換所へようこそ!こちらはカルデア側の交換所ということになるのかな。存分に堪能するといい、マスター!っはっはっはっは!」

    Welcome to my exchange shop!

    I suppose this is an exchange shop from Chaldea. Enjoy it, Master.

    Dialogue 2 「なぁに、いずれも英雄王より賜った予算の一部だ。遠慮は無用、思うさま交換していくがいい。一つ残らず交換してくれると、私としては助かるぞ。」

    There's no need to hold back. They're all wares collected on the King of Heroes' budget. Exchange all you want.

    It would certainly help me out if you grabbed them all up.

    Dialogue 3 「ほう……なかなかに目が高い。値打ちものだ。」

    Oh? You have good taste. This thing's worth your money.

    Dialogue 4 「気にすることはない。私の発明には不要なものだからなあ!ふふんっ。」

    Don't worry too much about it. These are all useless for my inventions. Haha!

    Dialogue 5 「なるほど、それが必要か。持っていけ、雷電の祝福があるだろう。」

    So you need that thing.

    Take it away! You're sure to be blessed by lightning!

    Dialogue 6 「おや、まだ何か?そろそろ店仕舞いというやつだ。私はここでティータイムを嗜んでいるので好きに見ていくといい。」

    Oh? You're here again? I was just about to close up shop.

    I'm going to enjoy a cup of tea here, so go ahead and look around on your own.

    Dialogue 7 「店仕舞いの最中、番をする。何とも暇だ、たまにはこういったものも悪くない。科学から離れ、発明から離れ、ただ悠然と時の過ぎるままに……。とはいえ、こうして意識を有したままの現界は極珍しい。僅かな休息を終えれば、また私は活動を再開するとも!あのライオン頭に先を越されては敵わんからなあ。」

    Working at a shop even though the store is about to be shuttered... I am unbelievably bored. I suppose this sort of thing isn't so bad now and then.

    Distancing myself from science and inventions, and just letting time pass idly by... Then again, it's also rare for me to manifest here while retaining my consciousness like this.
    Once my moment of repose is over, I will resume my activities! I wouldn't dare let that lion-head best me, you know!

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