Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Kawasumi Ayako)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「……コードネームはヒロインX。

...The code name is Heroine X.

I am a Servant summoned in response to the recent social problems involving an increasing number of Sabers. It is nice to meet you.

...Code Name: Heroine X. I am a Servant summoned to deal with the recent problem of the ever-increasing number of Sabers appearing. Nice to meet you.

Level Up 「私がセイバーの頂点であるためには、鍛練を怠りません」

I am diligent in my training in order to stand at the top of all Sabers!

For me to reach the apex of all Sabers, training must not be neglected.

1st Ascension 「全く違う自分になる……というのも、不思議な経験ですね。初めは自暴自棄でしたが、だんだん楽しくなってきました!」

It is a strange experience to become a completely different version of oneself. Initially, it was only a feeling of despair, but it has become more enjoyable.

Becoming another self is quite a strange experience. Initially, it was just desperation, but it's becoming more enjoyable.

2nd Ascension 「ありがとうございます! 聖剣のカスタマイズも捗ります!」

Thank you. I also made some progress on modding my Holy Sword.

Thank you. My Holy Sword has also been customized.

3rd Ascension 「ここまでしてくれるなんて……。な、なんだか自分の動機に後ろめたくなるような……あはは……」

For you to have done so much for me... S-somehow makes me feel guilty for my motives... Ahaha...

For you to have gone this far...Somehow makes me feel guilty of my motive...Ahaha

4th Ascension 「見てくださいマスター、新しい私の姿を! もうアルトリア系のセイバーを倒す、なんて小さい事は言いません。新しい目標は、最強のセイバーになって貴方の役に立つ事です!」

Please look, Master! My new form!

I won't focus on such a petty goal as defeating all Altria-face Sabers anymore!
My new goal is to become the strongest Saber and to be useful to you!

Please look, Master! My new form! Defeating all Artoria-face Sabers is such a petty goal. My new goal is to become the strongest Saber, and to be useful to you!

Battle Start 1 「セイバーを捕捉。倒します!」

Saber detected. I'll defeat you.

Capture the Saber, then defeat it!

Battle Start 2 「セイバーを発見。業務的に処理します」

Saber discovered. I'll dispose of you as part of my job.

Found the Saber. Let's get to the business.

Skill 1 「こちらをどうぞ」

Try this.

Here you are.

Skill 2 「それでは!」

Well then!

Well, then!

Skill 3 「いただきまーす! もう一杯!」

Thank you for the food!

Seconds, please!

Let's dig in! One more!

Skill 4 「いただきまーす! マシマシですね!」

Thank you for the food!

More, mooore!

Let's dig in! Super good!

Skill 5 「いただきまーす! うっひゃー!」

Thank you for the food!

Oh wooow!

Let's dig in! Huwaaa~!

Skill 6 「いくぞ第二宝具! 銀河流星剣!」

Come on, secondary Noble Phantasm...Galactic Meteor Sword!

Here goes my second Noble Phantasm! Galaxy Meteor Sword!

Attack Selected 1 「はっ」



Attack Selected 2 「素早くっ」



Attack Selected 3 「セイバー!」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「私以外のセイバー死ね……」

All other Sabers must die.

All other Sabers will die.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「アサシンと思ったうぬが不覚よ!」

...It's your mistake for thinking of me as an Assassin.

Calling me Assassin was a mistake!

Attack 1 「はっ」



Attack 2 「やっ」



Attack 3 「せいっ!」



Attack 4 「小手調べです!」

I'm just testing the waters!

This is only a taste!

Attack 5 「遅いッ! すごい! 速い!」

Too slow...

I'm SUPER fast!

Slowly! Incredibly! Quickly!

Extra Attack 1 「私以外のセイバーぶっ飛ばす!」

I'll beat up every other Saber!

I will kick every other Saber's ass!

Extra Attack 2 「デシジョーン、ストライク!」

Decisive Strike!

Deciding strike!

Extra Attack 3 「セイバーホームランッ!」

Saber Home Run!


Noble Phantasm 1 「星光の剣よ! 赤とか白とか黒とか消し去るべし! みんなにはナイショだよ! 『無銘勝利剣エックス・カリバー』ーーッ!!」

Oh Sword of Starlight. The red ones, black ones, and white ones must be destroyed!

Keep this a secret. Excalibur!

O, Sword of Starlight. Red, White, Black, thou shalt obliterate! Keep this a secret, everyone! 『Sword of Unwritten VictoryExcalibur』!!

Noble Phantasm 2 「今、光と闇が交わり最強セイバーに見える! カタフラクティ・シフト! 王道の力を知れ! 『無銘勝利剣エックス・カリバー』ーーッ!!」

Light and darkness cross to reveal Sabers!

Cataphract shift!
Feel the power of kingship...Excalibur!

Now, gaze upon the fellowship of light and dark! Cataphract Shift! Know the power of the Royal Road! 『Sword of Unwritten VictoryExcalibur』!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「なにをー!」


What the hell!?

Regular Damage 「あいたっ!」



Defeated 1 「セイバーを絶滅させるまで、倒れる訳には……」

I can't die until I finish killing all Sabers...

To annihilate Saber... I must not fall...

Defeated 2 「セイバーを……倒す……」

Defeat... Saber...

Battle Finish 1 「ふぅ……また一人、私以外のセイバーが消えました」

Sigh. Another Saber, other than me, has disappeared.

Whew. Another different Saber has faded.

Battle Finish 2 「セイバーに逢えばセイバーを斬る。神に逢えば神を斬る……主にセイバーばっかり増やす神を!」

...If I meet a Saber I will kill a Saber. If I meet a god I will kill a god.

Especially gods who keep summoning Sabers!

If I meet Saber, I will kill Saber. If I meet God, I will kill God. Especially the God who keeps making more Sabers!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「私以外のセイバーはいませんか?!」

Are there any other Sabers around?

Do you not have any other Sabers?

Bond Lvl 2 「見回りに行ってきます。セイバーが増えないよう厳重な管理をお願いします」

I'm going on patrol. Please keep a strict watch so that the number of Sabers doesn't increase.

I'm going on patrol. I have to pay close attention, or else more Sabers will pop up.

Bond Lvl 3 「まあ、他のセイバーがいたとしても、マスターは私を選びますよね」

Well, even if there are any other Sabers, you would still choose me, wouldn't you Master?

Well, even if other Sabers appear, Master will still choose me right?

Bond Lvl 4 「例え、他のセイバーが居るにせよ、私がマスターにとって最強の剣であることに変わりはありません」

...Even if there are other Sabers out there, it doesn't change the fact that I am Master's strongest sword.

Even if there are other Sabers, I'll always be Master's strongest sword.

Bond Lvl 5 「ええ、他のセイバーなどどうでもいい。重要なのは、私が剣であること。マスターにとっての剣であれば」

Yes, I don't care about any other Sabers.

All that matters is that I am a sword.
A sword for you, Master...

Yeah, I couldn't care less about other Sabers. What is important is that I am a sword. A sword only for Master's sake...

Dialogue 1 「さあ、マスター。次のセイバーが待っているはず」

Now, Master. The next Saber is waiting.

Now, Master. The next Saber must be waiting.

Dialogue 2 「貴方がマスターである限り、私はセイバーとして仕えましょう。え? アサシン? なんのことですか?」

As long as you are my Master, I will serve you as a Saber. Huh, Assassin? What do you mean?

As long as you are the Master, I will serve as Saber. Huh? Assassin? What are you talking about?

Dialogue 3 「私はアサシンではありません。断固としてセイバーです」

I'm not an Assassin, I'm determined to be a Saber.

I am not an Assassin. I am decisively a Saber.

Dialogue 4
(Nero Claudius or Nero Claudius (Caster))
「出ましたね、赤! さあいくぞ! エ・ク・ス・カリバーー!!」

You've finally shown yourself, Red! Let's go!


You've finally shown yourself, Red! Now, let's go! Excalibur!

Dialogue 5
(Mordred or Mordred (Rider))
「出ましたね、不良息子! さぁ、城の壁を壊して回った事へのお仕置きです!」

You've finally shown yourself, my delinquent son!

Now, here's the punishment for destroying the castle walls!

You've finally shown yourself, my delinquent son! Now, here's the punishment for destroying the walls around castle!

Dialogue 6
(Gaius Julius Caesar)
「ば、馬鹿な……! その図体で、セイバー……だと?」

I...Impossible! He's...a Saber...with a body like that?

I...Impossible! He's... A Saber... With a body like that?

Dialogue 7
(Artoria Pendragon (Lancer Alter) or Artoria Pendragon (Lancer) or Artoria Pendragon (Ruler))

Yes, yes... Even though there are more Sabers, there's more me now, too. However, I just can't let those two sacred lance wielders run amok! No... I mustn't allow it! How'd they grow so much anyway!?

Dialogue 8
(Mysterious Heroine X (Alter))
「なんと、えっちゃんがここに? しかも部屋の片づけで怒っている? 和菓子、和菓子で懐柔しなくては……大丈夫です。あの子、割とチョロいので!」

What!? Ex is here!? And she's angry about someone organizing her room?

I need Japanese sweets, quick! It's the only way to calm her rage!
It'll be okay. She's a total sucker for these things.

Dialogue 9 「しかし、私という存在も思えば遠くへ来たものです。まさか何年も無数のセイバーを狩り続けるとは、夢にも思いませんでした。……この上は、私が主役の劇場版アニメでもないと割に合わないですね!」

Now that I think about it, I've come a really long way!

I never imagined my hunt for the endless number of Sabers would go on for so long...
This will all be for naught unless they make something like a feature-length anime about me!

Dialogue 10 「『アルトリウム』はアルミより軽く、ダイヤより頑丈で、黄金より輝く素敵な金属です。主にアヴァロン星で採掘されています」

Altrium is an amazing metal! It's lighter than aluminum, harder than diamond, and shinier than gold!

It is mainly mined from the Planet Avalon.

Something you Like 「正しい聖杯戦争。即ちセイバーが最優であり、ムテキでステキに勝ち進む感じが、聖杯戦争の理想形ではないでしょうか?」

A righteous Holy Grail War. In other words, one where Saber is the most powerful Class.

Why, this invincible, wonderful feeling of winning continuously must be the ideal form of the Holy Grail War.

A proper Holy Grail War. To be Saber is the highest priority. To have that feeling of invincibility getting stronger... Why, this must be the ideal form of the Holy Grail War.

Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの? 私以外のセイバーです」

What I dislike? All other Sabers.

What I dislike? Any Saber other than me.

About the Holy Grail 「私の願いはたった一つ。それまで、どんな相手にも敗北しません」

I have only one wish.

Until then I will not lose to anyone.

I have only one wish. Until then, no matter what enemy awaits, I will not be defeated.

During an Event 「何か起こっているようです、マスター」

It seems something is happening, Master.

Something seems to be happening, Master.

Birthday 「おめでとうございます。セイバーを代表し、祝福させていただきます」


I give you my blessing as a representative of the Sabers.

Congratulations, Master. As representative of all Sabers, I wish you many blessings.

Saber Wars Event
Dialogue 1 「セイバーの道は一日にして成らず、です。早寝早起き、きちんと野菜を添えた食事を心がけ、たっぷりと休憩を取るように」

The road to becoming a Saber was not built in a day!

Early to bed, early to rise, commitment to eating vegetables, and plenty of rest!

The road to becoming a Saber was not built in a day! Early to bed, early to rise, commitment to eat plenty of vegetables, and take plenty of rest!

Dialogue 2 「修復作業は捗っていますか? お手数をお掛けしますが、よろしくお願いしますね、地球のマスター」

How's it going with the repair work?

Even though it is a pain to do, thank you, Master of Earth.

How's it going with the repair work? Even though it is a pain to do so, Thank You, Master from Earth.

Dialogue 3 「宇宙船、中々直りませんね。やはり中古品はだめでしたか……V-NASUフォートのV-8コスモエンジン搭載の新型が欲しいですね」

My spaceship is still in disrepair...

It seems second-hand parts are useless, huh... I'd sure like the new model of Venus Fort's V8 Cosmo Engine...

My spaceship is still in disrepair. It seems second-hand parts are useless, huh...I'd sure like the new model of Venus Fort's V8 Cosmo Engine...

Dialogue 4 「何事も、まず取扱説明書を読むのです。インフォメーションやお知らせをチェックしてこそ、一流のセイバーキラーなのですから」

Before anything else, first read the instruction manual.

By checking the information and announcements I have become a first-class Saber-killer!

Before anything else, first read the instruction manual. By checking Information and Announcements, I have become a first-class Saber-killer.

Dialogue 5 「それにしても冷えますね……中華まん、お汁粉、クレープ、ポタージュ、ドネルケバブ……」

Even so, it's cold, right?

...Steamed Buns... Red-Bean Soup... Crepes...
Stew... Doner Kebabs...

Even so, it's cold, right? ...Steamed Buns...Red-Bean Soup...Grapes...Potage...Doner Kebab...

Dialogue 6 「いろいろありましたが、いい修行でしたね。ドゥ・スタリオンⅡは結局直りませんでしたが、余ったパーツは引き取ります。忘れずに交換するように」

Even though a lot of things have happened, it was good training wasn't it?

Du Stallion II couldn't be repaired in the end, but I'll pick up all the extra parts.
Don't forget to exchange them.

Even though a lot of things have happened, it was good training wasn't it? D'Stallion II couldn't be repaired in the end but, I'll pick up all the extra parts. Do not forget to exchange them.

Saber Wars Event Re-run
Dialogue 6 「おかげさまで無事、修理が終わりました。弾道計算が終わり次第ロケットで突き抜けますので、今のうちに食料品を買い込んでおきますとも!」

Thanks to you, the repairs are completed!

Once the trajectories are calibrated, I'm going to blast out of here with my rocket. So I'm gonna stock up on provisions while I can!

Dialogue 7 「今回はアイテム交換ショップなども始めましたので、気兼ねなく利用してください。ご安心を、私はアルバイト経験も豊富ですから!」

There's an item exchange shop this time around, so make sure you use it! Don't worry! I've got TONS of experience working part-time jobs!

Dialogue 8 「この星の文明レベルはおかしいですね……宇宙技術はEランクなのに、娯楽・食事の発展はAランクに相当しています。なぜ、こんなおかしな世界になっているのです?」

Things on this planet sure are strange...

Its space technology is ranked E, but for some reason their food and recreational tech is A-ranked!
...How'd that happen?

Dialogue 9 「では、こちらのアイテムをどうぞ。セイバー以外のクラスに最適です。と言うか、私以外のセイバーはいつまでも霊基第1でお願いします」

Here you go.

This is perfect for any class, except Sabers.
Actually, I'd like you to keep all Sabers, other than me, in their first Ascensions.

Dialogue 10 「おや、また素材ですか。食べても美味しくないものばかり取り換えるのですね。冗談で仕入れたアイテムばかり売れて、私おススメのスペースヌードルやコズミックバーガーが売れないとは……まぁ、私が食べるからいいのですが!」

Oh, more materials? I can't help but notice you keep exchanging for things that don't taste good...

I didn't expect all the items I prepared as jokes would sell out first, while my highly recommended Space Noodles and Cosmic Burgers wouldn't sell at all...
...Well, it doesn't matter, because I'm gonna eat them anyway!

Dialogue 11 「残念、謎のアイテム交換ショップはもう閉店です。私もそろそろ旅立ちたいので。とは言え、まだアイテム交換は出来ますから、余り物があれば買い取りましょう。宇宙では、物資の助け合いと奪い合いが基本ですからね!」

Sorry, but the mysterious item exchange shop is closed!

I want to get out of here soon!
Well, you can still do some exchanging, so if you have anything left over, I'll buy it off you.
After all, lending aid and scavenging for supplies is the norm in outer space.

Dead Heat Summer Race!
Dialogue 1 信長「うっはっはっはっはー! ワシらの速さには誰も付いてこれぬ! ロケットじゃし! このまま優勝目指して一直線じゃ!」

ヒロインⅩ「先んずればセイバーを制すと言うやつですね! イニシアチブ!」

Nobunaga: Uwahahaha! Nobody can match our speed!

I mean, we're a rocket! All roads lead to our victory!
Heroine X: We'll use this advantage to crush the Sabers! It's called initiative, right!?

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Uhahahaha-! No one can match our speed! Its a rocket! Its a straight line towards winning the championship!

Mysterious Racer X: The first Saber controls all eh? Initiative!

Dialogue 2 信長「……ん? 急に止まってどうした? マシントラブルか?」

信長「医者ぁぁぁ! じゃなくて、料理人ーっ!」

Nobunaga: Hm? Why'd we stop? Mechanical trouble?

Heroine X: No, we're out of fuel...for me...!
Nobunaga: Someone call a doctor! ...I mean, a chef!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Hmm? Why did I stopped suddenly? Is it machine trouble?

Mysterious Racer X: Nah, I am out of fuel.
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Costume- ! not really, I'm cookin-g!

Dialogue 3 信長「う~む~、地上を走るのも飽きてきたのう……少しぐらいなら飛んでもバレぬのではないか?」


Nobunaga: Hmmm. I'm getting tired of driving on the ground. I don't think anyone'll notice if I fly for juuust a little bit.

Heroine X: Then I'll shoot you into the sky as a test.
As long as you can avoid my beam, you're safe!
Nobunaga: Oookay then! Let's keep to the ground!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Mmm...I'm getting tired of running on the ground...Isn't it possible to fly even if only a little?

Mysterious Racer X: Then, let's try launching you into the sky. It is safe if there's no beam!
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Yeah, steady let's go!

Dialogue 4 信長「まさに、プリズン・イン・ノッブ! 虜囚の辱めを受けるノッブの未来や如何に!」


Nobunaga: This is seriously "Cool Hand Nobbu"! Nobbu has been shamed by fellow inmates... What will become of Nobbu's future!?

Heroine X: So why are you stacking tatami mats like a throne?
Nobunaga: I saw this in a Japanese period drama.

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Just in time, Prison in Nobu! How will Nobu's future fare with prisoner's shame!

Mysterious Racer X: By the way, why are you stacking tatami?
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): I saw this in a drama.

Dialogue 5 信長「掘っても掘っても進んどるのか分からんのう。これホントに出口に向かっておるのか?」


Nobunaga: I can't tell if we're moving forward, no matter how much we're digging... Are you sure we're getting closer to the exit?

Heroine X: Rest assured. My Altrium Radar is pointing in that direction.
Nobunaga: Hmmm, that's not reassuring!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): I'm wondering as I dig and dig...is this truly the way to the exit?

Mysterious Racer X: Rest assured, my Altrium Radar points towards this direction.
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Hngg...doubt!

Dialogue 6 信長「ん~……もう朝か、今日の朝餉はなんじゃろな?」


Nobunaga: Hm? Morning already? What's for breakfast?

Heroine X: Let's see...I hear it's grilled fish with tofu miso soup.
Nobunaga: This prison is really into healthy living!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Eh? Its morning already. I wonder what's for breakfast today!

Mysterious Racer X: Uhm... Looks like grilled salmon and tofu miso soup.
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Ain't this a healthy prison!

Dialogue 7 信長「わし一番乗り! また世界を縮めてしまったか……」

ヒロインⅩ「ゆるい! まだまだこれからです。すべてのセイバーを打ち滅ぼす日まで戦いは続くのです」

Nobunaga: I'm in first place!

...So, the world has grown smaller again.
Heroine X: Too easy! I'm just getting started!
My battle will continue until I've destroyed all Sabers!
Nobunaga: I'll race you!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): I'm, first! Will the world be shorten again?

Mysterious Racer X: Relax! It has just begun! Until the day when all Sabers are destroyed, the battle continues!
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Let's race!

Dialogue 8 信長「ゴール! 信長選手、天下取りレースのトップに躍り出ました。うははは! 若い頃を思い出すのう」

ヒロインⅩ「私も天下一セイバー目指して突き進むのみです! バサラ!」

Nobunaga: Goooal!

Nobunaga has secured the top spot in the race to conquer the world!
Wahahaha! This takes me back to my younger days!
Heroine X: I'm well on my way to becoming top Saber too!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Go--al! Contestant Nobunaga, has jumped to the top of the entire race! Uhahahaha! I remember the feeling of youth!

Mysterious Racer X: Me too, I aim to to be the world first Saber! Basara!

Dialogue 9 信長「ふう……はぁ……今回はぎりぎりじゃったな……」


Nobunaga: Phew... Th-that was a close one!

Heroine X: Indeed. If the tip of my blade had been just one centimeter to the right, who knows what could have happened!?
Nobunaga: What the hell were YOU trying to do!?

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Hmm, b-barely made it this time...

Mysterious Racer X: Yeah. If the point was shifted 1 cm to the right, victory would be unsure.
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): What victory do you mean !?

Dialogue 10 信長「また一歩脱獄に近づいてしまったわし。脱獄天魔王になる日も近いかのう」


Nobunaga: Ah yes, now I am one step closer to getting out of here. It's only a matter of time until I become the Demon King of the Prison Break Heaven!

Heroine X: Prison Break Heaven... Heaven, you say?
Like heavenly food...angel food cake...mmm...

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): I'm one step away from escaping prison again. The day I become the Jailbreaking Heavenly Demon King approaches!

Mysterious Racer X: Jailbreaking heaven huh, so something like udon toppings?

Dialogue 11 信長「収監されたりもしたけどわしは元気です。ああ、面会の時は差し入れ頼むぞ」


Nobunaga: I may be locked up, but no lock can stop the rock!

Oh, don't forget to give us supplies when you come visit.
Heroine X: I demand sweets!
The food here freakin' sucks!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): I have been incarcerated, but I'm fine! Oh, I'll leave the meeting to you

Mysterious Racer X: Desserts please! There's not enough room for all the food here!

Dialogue 12 信長「この際脱獄はあきらめてこの監獄を乗っ取るとかどうじゃろう、わしノッブ獄長ね」


Nobunaga: Huh, maybe we should forget about escaping, and just take the place over?

I'll be Warden Nobbu.
Heroine X: Then I shall be Mysterious Executioner X.
Nobunaga: Not much of a difference than now, is there!?

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): In that case, I would like to give up on escaping, how about taking over this prison? I'll be Nobu Warden.

Mysterious Racer X: I'll be Mysterious Executioner X then.
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Don't change anything now!

Dialogue 13 信長「勝った! 天下布武 完! わしこそが渚の第六天魔ロックスターこと、そうわしじゃ! 優勝記念CD、敦盛ザ・サマーバケーションもよろしくのう!」

ヒロインⅩ「そして私こそが真の夏のセイバー! 皆さん応援ありがとうございました。これからも増え続けるであろうセイバーの殲滅を誓って!」

Nobunaga: I won! Finally I have united the nation by force!

I AM the Demon Rock Star of the Sixth Heaven of the beach! Oh yeah!
Don't forget to pick up your commemorative CD, "Atsumori: The Summer Vacation"!
Heroine X: And I am the true summer Saber!
Everyone, thank you for your support!
Although Sabers are sure to continue growing in number, I swear I will not rest until they have all been eradicated!

Oda Nobunaga (Berserker): Victory! Unified force, completed! I'm the Sixth Heavenly Demon Beach Rockstar, yes I am! Please support the winning commemorative CD, Atsumori-THE-Summer Vacation!

Mysterious Racer X: And I'm the true Summer Saber! Thank you everyone for your support! From this moment on, I'll promise to continue exterminating more Sabers!


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Battle (Mysterious Heroine Z NPC)
Skill 1 「セイバー忍法の極み、見るがいい!」

Look at the height of Saber's ninja arts!

Extra Attack 「ゼーーッド!」


NP 「これが、馬頭星雲を征した最新のコスモード!輝け、『無銘勝利剣エックス・カリバー』!!」

This is the lastest Costume Mode that subjugated the Horsehead Nebula! Shine, Unsigned Sword of VictoryExcaliber!!

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