Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Yasui Kunihiko)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント、ランサー。真名を李書文と申す。存分に槍として使うがいい。」

Servant, Lancer. My name is Li Shuwen.

You can use me as a spear as you please.

Servant, Lancer. My true name is Li Shuwen. You may put my spear to use freely.

Level Up 「いいだろう」

Very well.

This is quite fine.

1st Ascension 「ほう、面白いな」

Hmm. Interesting.

Hoo~ Interesting.

2nd Ascension 「これはなかなか……」


3rd Ascension 「こうも練り上げたぞ」

Practice makes perfect.

4th Ascension 「頂に至るとはな。いやいや、マスター。感謝するぞ」

I've reached my peak.

I owe it all to you, Master.

Battle Start 1 「さてさて。この餓えた身を満たしてもらえるかな」

Would you be able to quench my thirst?

Battle Start 2 「なに、要は殺し合いよ。お主の全力、見せてもらおう」

What, we're here to kill each other. Show me everything you've got.

Skill 1 「武の極地、見せてやろう」

I'll show you the essence of martial arts.

Skill 2 「我が槍技、未だ衰えること無し!」

My skill with the lance has yet to decline.

Attack Selected 1 「応さ」



Attack Selected 2 「さて……」

Well now.

Well then...

Attack Selected 3 「ハッハ!」



Noble Phantasm Selected 六合大槍りくごうたいそうの妙技、とくと見るがよい!」

Behold my unparalleled skill of Liu He Da Qiang!

The Spear that Kills with one Thrust, I'll show it to you!

Attack 1 「むんっ」



Attack 2 「はっ!」



Attack 3 「とぅぁっ!」



Extra Attack 「食らえっ!」

Eat this!

Take this!

Noble Phantasm 「我が槍はこれ正に一撃必倒。『神槍』と謳われたこの槍に一切の矛盾なし!」

My lance always strikes true.

Its absolute infallibility has earned it praise as a divine spear!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「おぉのれっ!」

Why you!

You Damned-!

Regular Damage 「ぬぅ!」



Defeated 1 「しくじったか……! 無念ではあるがしかし、愉しかったなぁ……ふっふっふっふ……!」

I failed. I do have regrets but it's been fun... Hehehe.

Defeated 2 「言葉は不要か……では、先に逝く……」

Nothing needs to be said. I'll take my leave now.

Battle Finish 1 「骸はそのままだ。互いにそうあるべきだろう」

A corpse is but a corpse. That should apply to all of us.

Battle Finish 2 「我ながら、この身が大悟たいごに至るとは思えぬ残忍さだ。すまぬな」

Even I don't think this brutality will lead me to enlightenment. My apologies.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「鍛えたいならば他所を当たれ」

If it's training you want, I'd look elsewhere.

Bond Lvl 2 「仕方あるまい……突きから教えてやろう」

I have no choice. I'll teach from the beginning. Let's start with how to stab.

I guess it can't be helped, I'll teach you what you want.

Bond Lvl 3 「いいだろう。かかって来い」

All right. Come and get it.

This is quite fine, Come at me then.

Bond Lvl 4 「そら、まだ功夫が足りんのだ。次だ次!」

Your Kung Fu isn't quite there yet.

Next, hurry up.

Bond Lvl 5 「若さを取り戻せば、武に全てを捧げることを望み。年老いてしまえば、死を超えて悟りを得ようと躍起になる。そのどちらも儂なのだ。お主もそのうち、分かるだろうさ」

If I could go back in time, I would have devoted everything to martial arts.

Once you grow old, you desperately try to transcend death and reach enlightenment.
I know both feelings.
You will, too, before long.

Dialogue 1 「マスター。勇退高踏するにはまだ早かろう」

It's too soon for an honorable retreat, Master.

Dialogue 2 「確かに儂はサーヴァントだが、ただそれだけでお主に平伏するほど人間は出来ておらんのでな」

It's true that I'm your Servant, but that's it.

I'm not going to supplicate myself and bow down before you.

Dialogue 3 「なに、命じられれば命じられるままにだ」

Your orders will be carried out to perfection.

Something you Like 「戦士が二人いれば、どちらが上位か比べたくなるのが人情だろう?」

It's human nature to want to see which of two warriors is best, isn't it?

Something you Hate 「ただの殺害に正義という名の理を乗せる。流石にそれはあまり好かんな」

Forcing ideals of justice on the simple action of murder.

I can't find myself liking that no matter what.

About the Holy Grail 「願望など、この肉があれば事足りる。儂の分が余るようなら、好きに使え」

This meat is more than enough to satisfy me.

Use it as you like if it means more rations.

During an Event 「臭うな。マスター、調べたほうがいいぞ」

Something stinks, Master. You might want to look into that.

Something stinks. Master, we'd better go check on it.

Birthday 「ほう? お主が生まれた日か。なら卵と飴をやろう」

Oh. It's the day you were born. I'll prepare eggs and sweets for you, then.

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