Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Kadowaki Mai (Illya)
Takano Naoko (Ruby)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned イリヤ「えっと、イリヤって言います。小学五年生です。


Illya: Erm, I'm Illya. Nice to meet you. I'm a 5th grader.

For now I'm... a Magical Girl, yes.
Ohh, I don't know if I can be useful in some way...
But, I'll do my best!
Ruby: Ruby is here, too!
Let's go have some cute fun, Grand Master!

Illya - Erm, I'm called Illya. I'm a 5th elementary school grader. For now... I'm trying out being a magical girl, yes. Uhm, I'm not sure if someone like me will be useful……But I'll do my very best!

Ruby - Ruby-chan is here too! Let's go with plenty of cuteness and , Grand Master!

Level Up イリヤ「おっきくなったかな……? はっ、身長がだよ!」

Did I get bigger...? Hey, I was talking about my height!

Illya - I wonder if I grew up……? Hah, I'm taller !

1st Ascension イリヤ「やったね! 転身完了ー!」

イリヤ「そういうのないからね!? マ、マスターさんも、期待しないでー!」

Illya: Yay! Transformation complete!

Ruby: Replay this joyful, embarrassing transformation scene in your mind's eye.
Illya: That's not allowed! M-Master, I don't want you to get your hopes up either!

Illya - We did it! Transformation complete!

Ruby - Illya's happy yet embarrassed transformation, please see it with your heart's eyes alright~
Illya - There's nothing like that okay!? Ma-master-san too, don't start expecting that!

2nd Ascension イリヤ「なんだか少し、体が軽くなったみたい……。ちゃんと成長してるんだね、わたし!」

ルビー「いけません! イリヤさんは1ミリも成長しないでくださいまし!」

Illya: It's like like my body feels somehow lighter. I guess I'm really growing.

Ruby: No. Please don't grow, Illya. Not even an inch!
Illya: Why not!?

Illya - It somehow feels like my body got lighter… I'm properly growing up, right!

Ruby - That's no good! Illya-san must not grow even a single millimeter, please!
Illya - Why!?!

3rd Ascension イリヤ「すごい……魔力が溢れてくる……! これならもっと戦える。みんなを、守れる! ……あ、あの、ここまで育ててくれて、ありがとうございます! これからも、もっともっと、頑張るからね!」

Amazing... I'm full of magical energy.

Now I'll be able to fight even better... I'm going to protect everyone! Oh... Erm, thank you for helping me grow so much. I'm going to work even harder from here on out!

Illya - Amazing… The magical power is welling up. With this I can fight more. I can protect everyone! Er, erm, thanks you for raising me this far! From now on too, I'll put even more and more effort!

4th Ascension イリヤ「思ってたよりも、随分長い夏休みになっちゃったな……。マスターさんは、ちゃあんと責任とって、わたしの宿題手伝ってよね!」

This summer vacation has turned out to be much longer than I thought... You'd better take responsibility and help me with my homework, Master.

Illya - It became a much longer summer vacation than I expected… Master-san too, must properly take responsibility, and help me with my homework, okay!

Battle Start 1 イリヤ「必要な戦い……なんだよね。うん、行くよルビー!」


Illya: This is a necessary fight... right? Okay! Let's go, Ruby!

Ruby: Let's keep this up!

Illya - It's a necessary battle… isn't it. Yup, let's go, Ruby!

Ruby - Let's do it with a bang!

Battle Start 2 イリヤ「な、なんか強そうなんだけど……」


Illya: Th-They seem really strong...!

Ruby: Uh-uh, nobody gave you permission to retreat!

Illya - I-it looks pretty strong though…?!

Ruby- Whoops, I won't permit running away!

Skill 1 イリヤ「ルビー、お願い!」

Ruby, please!

Illya - Ruby! Please!

Skill 2 ルビー「お任せあれー!」

Ruby: I'll take care of this!

Ruby - Count on me!

Skill 3 ルビー「ルビーちゃんの出番ですねぇ~!?」


Ruby: It's my turn!

Illya: Now I'm worried...

Attack Selected 1 イリヤ「はいっ!」


Illya - Yes!

Attack Selected 2 イリヤ「任せてー!」

Leave it to me!

Illya - Leave it to me!

Attack Selected 3 イリヤ「ほえっ?」


Illya - Hoe?

Noble Phantasm Selected イリヤ「わたしはもう──何も諦めない!!」

I'm never... gonna give up on anything again!

Illya - I will no longer…… Give up anything!

Attack 1 イリヤ「砲撃フォイア!」


Illya - Feuer![1]

Attack 2 イリヤ「斬撃シュナイデン!」


Illya - Schneiden![2]

Attack 3 イリヤ「えぇーいっ!」


Illya - Eeei!

Attack 4 イリヤ「行くよーっ、散弾ショット!」

Let's do this! Schuss!

Attack 5 イリヤ「限定『限定展開インクルード』、バーサーカー! やぁぁああーっ!」

Limited inclusion: Berserker! Yaaah!

Attack 6 イリヤ「うぅー、シュート!」

Hnnnngh, shoot it!

Extra Attack
(Before Jan/23/2019)

I'll shoot you down!

Illya - Shoot it down!

Extra Attack イリヤ「撃ち落とす! これでどう!? 取って置き、なんだから!」

I'll shoot you down!

How's that!? I saved the best for last!

Noble Phantasm ルビー「筋系、神経系、血管系、リンパ系──疑似魔術回路変換、完了!」

イリヤ「これがわたしの全て……! 『多元重奏飽和砲撃クウィンテットフォイア』!!」

Ruby: Muscular system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system...

Pseudo-Magical Circuit conversion...
Illya: This is my all...
Quintett Feuer!

Ruby - Muscles, nervous system, blood vessels, lymphatic system - transformation into fake magic circuits, complete!

Illya - This is my everything... Quintet Fire!



Damage from Noble Phantasm イリヤ「なんて大人げないのーっ!?」

You're so immature!

Illya - So childish!?

Regular Damage イリヤ「うぅっ!」


Illya - Uuh!

Defeated 1 イリヤ「強く、ならなきゃ……もっと……」

I've got... to get stronger...

Illya - I have to become stronger... More……

Defeated 2 イリヤ「お兄ちゃん……」


Illya - Onii-chan……

Battle Finish 1 イリヤ「やったね! 大勝利ー!」


Illya: We did it! We won!

Ruby: So let's loot the bodies!
Illya: L-Let's not do anything crazy, okay?

Illya - We did it! Great victory!

Ruby - Well then shall we rip out some materials from the losers?
Illya - D-Don't do anything scary, okay……?

Battle Finish 2 イリヤ「ほえ~……もうダメかと思ったよ。でも、結構頑張ったし、褒めてくれるかなぁ」

Phew... I thought we were done for...

But I worked pretty hard. Aren't you going to say anything nice?

Illya - Hoe~…… I thought we weren't going to make it. But I put in quite a lot of effort, so I wonder if I'll be praised?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 イリヤ「うーん……ルビー、何かいい暇つぶしなーいー?」



Illya: Uggh, Ruby... Got anything fun we can do to kill time?

Ruby: Hmm, well then, how about a slideshow of all the faces my precious Illya makes when she sleeps...?
Illya: Delete those NOW!

Illya - Uhm… Ruby, don't you have anything good to pass some time?

Ruby - Well well, how about a slideshow of my precious Illya-san's Sleeping Face Photos...
Illya - Delete that right now!

Bond Lvl 2 イリヤ「わたし、ちゃんと役に立ててる? ごめんなさい、わたしもアニメの魔法少女みたいにもっとこう、ズババー! とかズビャー! って感じになれたら、良かったんだけど……!」


Illya: Am I really making myself useful...? I'm sorry, I wish I could be more like SLASH-BAM! FWOOSH! like the magical girls in anime...

Ruby: Illya, your perspective on magical girls is as radical and terrible as ever.

Illya - Am I really being useful? I'm sorry, if I was more like the magical girls in anime and like this, and ZUPAPA! Like ZWPYAA! Something like that would have been better but…

Ruby - Illya-san's perspective on Magical Girls are just as radical and terrible as always.

Bond Lvl 3 イリヤ「最初は不安だったけど、だんだんここでの生活も慣れてきたかな。マシュさんやダ・ヴィンチちゃんさんは優しいし、ロマンさんは……頼りないけど、フォウくんはモフいし、あと、マスターさんが……その……ちゃんと、わたしの事を大事にしてくれてるの、わかるから……」

I was worried at first, but I guess I'm getting used to this life. Mash and Da Vinci are really nice. Roman is... unreliable, but Fou is really fluffy. And, um... I know you really care about me, Master...

Illya - At first I was worried but, I've become used to the life here, I think. Mashu-san and Da Vinci-san are kind, Roman-san is... Unreliable though, Fou-kun is fluffy, and, Master-san is... That is... I understand that you really do care for me.

Bond Lvl 4 イリヤ「わたし、怖くないよ。どんなに敵が強くても、この先にどんな運命が待っていたとしても……マスターさんはきっと、それよりもっと強い。わたしは、そう信じてる!」

I'm not scared. No matter how strong the enemies are... No matter what fate awaits us, I know you're even stronger, Master. That's what I believe.

Illya - I'm not scared. No matter how strong the enemy is, no matter what destiny waits ahead… Master-san will surely be stronger than that. I believe in that!

Bond Lvl 5 イリヤ「ん……えへへー。マスターさんに頭なでられるの、好き……。あ、今度お風呂上りに髪乾かしてほしいなー、なんて……ほぇっ!? お、お風呂いっしょには、ダメーっ! ……まだ……」

Mmn... Hehe, I like when you pat me on the head, Master. Ooh! You should dry my hair for me after my bath. Just kidding... WHAT!? T-Take a bath together...? No...! Not yet...

Illya - Nh……Eheheh. I like when Master-san pats my head. Ah, next time I'm out of the bath I wish you'd brush my hair~, just kidd-……Hoe!? G-going together in the bath is no good! ……not yet……

Dialogue 1 イリヤ「お疲れ様でーす! でも、まだまだお仕事あるんだよね。頑張ってー! わたしも応援するからー!」

You did a good job! But we still have a lot of work to do. Do your best. I'll be there to help you!

Illya - Good work! But you still have lots and lots of work don't you. Do your best! I'll be cheering for you too!

Dialogue 2 イリヤ「マスター、かぁ……。前にもそう名乗ってきた赤い人がいまして……」


Illya: "Master," hmm... A while ago, there was a person in red who made me call her that, too.

Ruby: It seems this Master-Servant relationship has gotten complicated.

Illya - Master, huh… A while ago there was an red person who made me call her that too…

Ruby - It seems like the relationship master-servant is becoming more complicated huh.

Dialogue 3 イリヤ「誰かに命令されるのは慣れてるからね……。マスターとサーヴァントって関係も大丈夫だよー。でも、あんまりひどい命令はやめてね……」

I'm used to being ordered around, so I'm ok with having a Master-Servant relationship. But... Could you knock it off with the really mean orders?

Illya - I'm used to receiving order for someone… A Master-Servant relationship is fine too. But don't give orders that are too mean…

Dialogue 4
(Chloe von Einzbern or Chloe von Einzbern (Avenger))
イリヤ「クロがまたマスターさんにちょっかいかけてるって聞いたんですけど……嫌なら嫌ってちゃあんと言わないとダメだよ? じゃないと、その……う、奪われますよ! いろいろとー!」

I heard Chloe's been messing with you again, Master... If you don't like it, you have to tell her! If you don't she'll, um... she'll take what she wants! All kinds of things!

Illya - I've heard that Kuro was flirting with Master-san again but……If you don't like and not say that you dislike it, it'll be bad okay? If you don't, it'll…… B-be stolen! A lot of things!

Dialogue 5
(Edward Teach)
イリヤ「あのっ! さっき廊下で会った黒いお髭の人が、わたしを見るなり奇声を上げて失神しちゃったんですけど。ほぇ? ほっといていい? 『というか、二度と近づいちゃダメ』? ふえぇ、そんなー。うぅ、何者なのあの人……!」

Um, I just saw a man with a black beard in the hallway. He made a weird noise the second he saw me and passed out...! What? It's ok to just leave him there? And I shouldn't ever go near him again? Whaaaat? Who was that man...?

Illya - Erm, just now a person with a big black moustache that I met in the corridor looked at me and let out some strange moan and fainted, but…! Hoe? It's fine to leave it alone? Or rather, never approach him again? Fuee, no way… Uuh, what is that person…?

Dialogue 6
(Irisviel (Dress of Heaven))
イリヤ「あれ? 今、ママの声しなかった? うーん、聞き間違いかなぁ。何だかお嬢様みたいな話し方だったし、ママはもっとこう、その……アレっぽい感じだし……」

Huh? Was that my mama's voice just now? Hmm, I must be hearing things. The way she was speaking was too elegant.

Mama speaks more like... well, you know.

Illya - Huh? Just now wasn't that Mama's voice? Hmm, I wonder if I heard wrong. It sounded like a noble lady too, and Mama's more like, well… THAT-ish like, too…

Dialogue 7

Lately, I sometimes feel like I'm being watched... The person vanishes when I turn around, but I always catch a glimpse of a red overcoat. I wonder if they want something from me... They should just come out and say it.

Illya - These times I feel like I'm being watched every now and then. When I turn around it goes away but, I did see a bit of a red cloak. I wonder if there's something he wants…… It would be great if he just came and said it.

Dialogue 8
(Miyu Edelfelt)
イリヤ「ひゃー! もうもう、感激だよー! 美遊と肩を並べて戦えるなんて!」

ルビー「サファイアちゃんもお忘れなく! 姉妹が揃って、ルビーちゃん心強いです!」
イリヤ「嬉しいなー。素敵だなー。美遊と一緒のお弁当、一緒のお風呂……! 一緒の……! ふへぇふへふしゅるふへへぇ!」
ルビー「イリヤさん……? イリヤさん、ステイ! ステイです!」

Illya: Ahhh! I'm so excited! I can't believe I can fight alongside Miyu!

Ruby: Don't forget about Sapphire! I feel better knowing we sisters are back together, too!
Illya: I'm so happy! It's so wonderful! Eating meals with Miyu...bathing with Miyu...with Miyu...heh heh heh...
Ruby: Illya? Illya? Down, Illya. Down!

Dialogue 9

ルビー「ナーイスポジティブシンキング! それでこそイリヤさん、クロさんとの経験を生かしましょーう!」

Illya: A girl who looks like me other than Chloe!?

Ruby: Um, Miss Illya... Just between you and me, you may have it backwards...
Illya: What do you mean!? ...Well, I kind of had a sneaking suspicion...
Ruby: Of what?
Illya: There are many people from various places here. Even though some may share the same face, they may have lived very different lives. There's even some people here who've gone as far as going into space or wearing swimsuits...
All of that means it's completely possible for there to be a version of me who's an elementary school student and magical girl, right!?
Ruby: I like that positive thinking! That's the spirit, Illya! Use that experience of dealing with Chloe here!
Illya: Unnngh... The first step is to make friends with her... I hope it'll go okay...

Something you Like イリヤ「わたしは、夏が好き! 夏生まれだからかなぁ? おっきな入道雲を見てると、走り出したくなっちゃうよね!」

I love summertime. Maybe it's because I was born in the summer? When I see those big, puffy summer clouds I just want to take off running!

Illya - I like the summer! I wonder if it's because I was born in the summer? Seeing a big bunch of clouds makes me wanna run!

Something you Hate イリヤ「嫌いなものっていったら、なんか悪さしてる時のクロ……かな。ひどいんだよ!? やったのはクロなのに、顔が似てるって理由でわたしのせいになったりして! はぁ……姉としてキツーく言っておかなきゃ! うん、姉として!」

Something I hate... I guess when Chloe is doing bad things... She's terrible! And even though Chloe's the one misbehaving, I get blamed because we look alike...! (Sigh) As a big sister, I have to properly tell her! Yes, as her big sister!

Illya - If I was to say something I disliked, then when Kuro was doing some bad things……I guess. It was cruel you know!? Even though the one who did it was Kuro, because our faces are alike it became my fault! Haah……As a older sister I have to properly tell her! Yup, as a older sister!

About the Holy Grail イリヤ「何でも願いが叶う聖杯……。ちょっと信じられないけど、もし本当にそういうものがあったら、きっと、みんなが幸せになれるんだろうね。みんなの明日が、ほんの少しでもいいものになれたなら、素敵だなぁって思う……」

The Holy Grail, capable of granting any wish... It's kinda hard to believe it's real, but if it does exist, I bet it would make everyone happy. I think it would be wonderful, even if it just makes everyone's future a tiny bit brighter.

Illya - A grail that grants any wish… It's a bit unbelievable but, if it there really was such a thing, I'm sure everyone could become happy. If everyone's tomorrow could, even just a little bit, become better, it would be wonderful I think……

During an Event イリヤ「何かイベントやってるみたいだよ? わたしも行ってみたいなぁ。あの……連れてってくれる……?」

It looks like there's some kind of event going on! I want to go too! Umm, will you take me...?

Illya - It seems they are doing some sort of event you know? I'd like to try going too. Erm…… Would you take me with you?

Birthday イリヤ「お誕生日おめでとう、マスターさん! ルビーと一緒にバースデーケーキ作ったよ。食べて食べてー!」


Illya: Happy Birthday, Master! Ruby and I baked you a birthday cake! Eat up! Eat up!

Ruby: Don't worry, I didn't use any ingredients that will affect your mental faculties.

Illya - Happy birthday, Master-san! I made a birthday cake together with Ruby. Eat up, eat up!

Ruby - No ingredients that alter the mind were used so, rest assured.

Prisma Causeway Event
Dialogue 1 イリヤ「魔法少女同士のバトルだなんて、とんでもない事態になっちゃったけど……よろしくお願いします」


Illya: To think we'd be fighting other magical girls... It's crazy, but I'll do my best.

Ruby: Illya's fate is in your hands, Master! And in my feathers!?
Illya: I can't help but worry about the second part...

Illya - To think we'd be fighting other magical girls. This situation has gotten really crazy. But I look forward to working with you!

Ruby - Illya-san's fate is in your hands, and in my feathers!
Illya - I can't help but worry about my back...

Dialogue 2 イリヤ「カルデアの……カッコいい……マスターさん、それにマシュさんと一緒に行動できて、本当によかったなぁ」


Illya: Chaldea's... cool... Master, I'm so glad I'm working with you and Mash...

Ruby: You really love Mash, don't you, Illya?

Illya - I'm so glad I can work with the... cool... Master from Chaldea, and Mash.

Ruby - You really like Mash, don't you?

Dialogue 3 ルビー「ルビーちゃん的には、もっと刺激が欲しいところです! 直径3,500キロぐらいの隕石でも降ってきませんかねぇ?」

イリヤ「穏やかじゃない! それってもう、隕石ってレベルじゃないし!」

Ruby: I want more excitement. Do you think a 3,500 kilometer-wide meteorite will fall or something?

Illya: Are you kidding me!? Something that big is way past a meteorite!

Ruby - If we were doing things Ruby-style, I'd like it to be more violent! How about dropping a 3500-kilometer meteorite?

Illya - That's not good at all! And that's way beyond a meteorite!

Dialogue 4 ルビー「ところでイリヤさん、宿題はお済みになられました?」

ルビー「いつも美遊さんに頼ってばかりじゃダメですよ! ちゃんと情報を確認しましょう!」

Ruby: By the way, Illya, did you finish your homework?

Illya: Ugh... Was I supposed to do that...?
Ruby: You can't keep relying on Miyu's help! Make sure to check and see when things are due on your own!

Ruby - By the way, Illya-san, have you finished your homework?

Illya - Ugh... So there's an announcement for that, too...
Ruby - You can't always count on Miyu-san! Make sure your info is up to date!

Dialogue 5 イリヤ「まさかわたし達以外にも、こんなに魔法少女がワラワラいたなんて……」


Illya: I can't believe how many other magical girls are out there...

Ruby: Just one of you is bad enough... A war is likely to break out with all of you in one place.

Illya - To think there would be all these magical girls besides us bustling around...

Ruby - One is already a handful, so when this many are gathered, war is bound to break out.

Dialogue 6 イリヤ「不思議な世界でのわたし達の冒険も、一区切りです。クロと美遊共々、お世話になりました!」


Illya: Our adventure in this mysterious world is over. Chloe, Miyu, everyone, thanks for helping me out!

Ruby: It's always sad when a festival ends.
Illya: We're just getting started! Keep it up, Master!

Illya - Our adventure in this strange and wonderful world is over. We owe you a lot for helping with Kuro and Miyu!

Ruby - It's too bad the festivities are ending.
Illya - Now, now, we're just getting started. Good luck, Master!

Dialogue 7 ルビー「此度の働きも見事でした! 報酬は、例の口座に……。ご確認ください」

イリヤ「無駄に怪しい! でも折角のご褒美なんだから、受け取りは忘れずに、ね!」

Ruby: Excellent work once again. Please check the usual place for your payment.

Illya: Why do you have to make it sound so shady, Ruby!? But...it IS a reward, so don't forget to accept it, okay?

Ruby - This time's work was wonderful! Reward, please check the example account ...

Illya - Uselessly suspicious! But it's a reward, so don't forget to pick it up!

Dialogue 8 イリヤ「アイテムチェーック! 報酬チェーック!」

ルビー「お忘れ物はありませんかぁ? イリヤさんみたいにお兄ちゃんに届けてもらうと、恥ずかしいですよん?」

Illya: Item, check! Rewards, check!

Ruby: Did you forget anything? It'd be embarrassing if your big brother had to deliver something like Illya's did.
Illya: You didn't have to bring that up!

Illya - Items, check! Rewards, check!

Ruby - Did you forget anything? If we had to forward it to your family like Illya-san does to her brother, wouldn't it be embarrassing?
Illya - You didn't have to tell them that!

Dialogue 9 イリヤ「やったね、アイテムがもらえたよ」

Yay! You got an item!

Illya - You did it, you got an item.

Dialogue 10 イリヤ「これ……ちょっといいヤツかも!」

Ooh, this is a good one!

Illya - This... might be a nice one!

Dialogue 11 イリヤ「新しいミッションだね。宿題は毎日少しずつやろう」


Illya: A new mission, huh? I'll do a little bit of my homework every day!

Ruby: And what about the new mission waiting for us!?

Illya - A new mission. Let's work on our homework a little bit each day.

Ruby - And the new mission we've been waiting for is...!?

Dialogue 12 イリヤ「また新しい敵が現れたみたい。気をつけて!」

It looks like a new enemy has appeared. Be careful!

Illya - It seems that a new enemy has came. Be worried !

Dialogue 13 イリヤ「よーし、次はあそこに行ってみよう!」

Okay! Let's head over there next!

Illya - Good, on to the next one!

Dialogue 14 イリヤ「ウチのクロを、よろしくお願いします! ……うう、心配だなぁ」


Illya: Take care of my sister Chloe! Uggh... I'm so worried...

Ruby: She might be more useful to you than Illya.
Illya: Hey! That seriously hurt my feelings...!

Illya - Please take care of Kuro! ...Ugh, I'm worried.

Ruby - She might actually be more useful than Illya-san.
Illya - That cuts deep, you know!

Dialogue 15 イリヤ「全ミッションクリアだね!」

イリヤ「わたし達の戦いはまだ終わってないよ! 最後まで頑張ろうね、マスターさん!」

Illya: You've cleared all of the missions!

Ruby: I'm so moved. Do you want to replay all the memorable scenes with the ending theme playing in the background?
Illya: Our fight isn't over yet! Let's keep on trying until the end, Master!

Illya - You've completed every mission!

Ruby - I'm deeply moved... Shall we rewind the ending theme and replay that famous scene?
Illya - Our fight isn't over yet! Let's try our best until the very end, Master!

Dialogue 16 イリヤ「全クエストクリアー! すごい、すごいよマスターさん!」

ルビー「なんたる執念! 寝食を惜しんでポチポチし続けたグランドマスターさんに敬礼!」

Illya: You've cleared all of the quests! Wow! You're awesome, Master!

Ruby: What tenacity! Pushing steadily forward without food or sleep to complete your quests. I salute you, Grand Master!
Illya: I-I'm not sure that's a compliment, Ruby... Anyway, great job!

Illya - All quests completed! Amazing. You're amazing, Master!

Ruby - Such tenacity! To our Grandmaster who goes so far as to work while eating in bed, I salute you!
Illya - W-What a dodgy compliment... Anyway, great work!

Dialogue 17 イリヤ「いらっしゃいませー。限定ショップ、営業中だよー」

Welcome! This limited time shop is now open!

Illya - Welcome! The limited shop is now open!

Dialogue 18 イリヤ「補給は大事、ですよね。ゆっくり選んでいってください」

It's important to have supplies. Take your time picking out what you need.

Illya - Supplies are important. Please take your time.

Dialogue 19 イリヤ「はい、どうぞ。大事に使ってくださいね」

Here you go. Use it with care.

Dialogue 20 イリヤ「これでもっと強くなれる……かな」

This might help you get even stronger, I guess?

Illya - I wonder if this can make us stronger...

Dialogue 21 イリヤ「もっといっぱい欲しくなっちゃうよね」

Makes you want even more, right?

Illya - Makes you want even more of them, doesn't it?

Dialogue 22 イリヤ「このお店も、そろそろおしまいみたい。テナントをダ・ヴィンチちゃんさんに返さなきゃね。……あ、交換し忘れたものがあったら言ってくださいね。最後までお付き合いします」

It looks like this store is about to close. I have to turn over the lease back to Da Vinci... Oh, let me know if there's anything you forgot to exchange. I'll be here to help you until we close.

Illya - It looks like this store will close soon. I have to turn over the lease back to Da Vinci-chan-san. ...Ah, let me know if you forgot to exchange anything. I'll be here for you until it's over.


  1. Feuer is the german word for "Fire"
  2. Schneiden is a german word for "Cut" or "cutting"


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Battle (Testament NPC)
Skill 1 「段々、馴染んできた」

I've become more and more familiar with this.

Skill 2 「年季の違いを見せてあげる」

I will show you the differences one year can make.

Attack 1 「消えて!」


Attack 2 「さよならね……!」


Attack 3 「ふふ……」


Extra Attack 「私の邪魔はしないで!」

Please don't get in my way!

Noble Phantasm 「いい身体ね、少し借りるわ。尽きぬ願い、尽きぬ欲望に応えてあげる。無限に続く魔法少女わたしたちでね……『無限の幻想アンリミテッド・プリズマコーズ』!」

This is a good body. I'm going to borrow it. I'll answer all the endless wishes and desires. …Through us, the endless line of magical girls. Unlimited Prisma Codes.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「やめて やめなさい!」

Stop, stop it!

Regular Damage 「きゃぁ!」


Defeated 1 「きらきら光って…………終わるのね」

What a shining brilliant end this is......

Defeated 2 「ミラー……ごめんなさい」

Mira... I'm sorry.

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NA Translations and Illya's profile were written by CuteSoleil. Thanks for reading Illya's awesome dialogue !
