Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Ōkubo Rumi)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「アナタが新しいマネージャー?


Are you the new manager?

Nice to meet you and please take care of me♡

Are you my new manager? Please take care of me from now on, okay?

Level Up 「とーぜん、まだまだ上を目指すわよ、マスター!」

Of course! I'm just getting started, Master!

Of course I'm always aiming for new heights, Master!

1st Ascension 「人気が上がると力も上がる! これがアイドルの真理!」

I get stronger when I get more popular... This is what being an idol is all about!

The more popular I become, the stronger I get! Such is an idol's motto!

2nd Ascension 「これもボイトレってやつの成果ね!」

My voice training is paying off!

This is just another result from voice training!

3rd Ascension 「こんなに幸福で良いのかしら!? ていうか、もうすぐ頂点なのかしら!?」

Is it okay to feel this happy? I think I'm nearly at my peak!

Is it alright to be this happy? I mean... am I reaching my peak!?

4th Ascension 「い、いいの? こんなにたくさんの贈り物を頂いて……。あぁ、もう! ありがとうマスター! アタシ、これからもアナタのために歌い続けるわね!」

A-Are all of these gifts really for me? Awww, thanks, Master! I'll never stop singing for you!

I-is it really okay... to receive so many gifts? Ah~ thanks Master! I'll continue singing for you Master!

Battle Start 1 「やっぱりアタシがナンバーワンね♪」

I really am number 1!

I'm number one as expected ♪

Battle Start 2 「さあ、ライトを当てなさい!」

I'm ready for my spotlight!

Turn on the light!

Skill 1 Rock you!ロッキュー!

Rock you!

Rock you!

Skill 2 「恋のビートはドラゴンスケイル~♪」

The beat of love is on a Dragon Scale!

The beats of love are dragon scales~♪

Attack Selected 1
(Before Apr/19/2017)



Attack Selected 1 「いいじゃない」

Oooh, good!

It's fine, isn't it?

Attack Selected 2 「オッケー!」



Attack Selected 3 「任せて!」

Leave it to me!

Leave it to me!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 アタシの歌声、聞きたいのね!?」

I know you want to hear me sing!

Want to hear my singing?

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「チケットは完売ね?」

A sold-out show!

Are the tickets all sold out?

Attack 1
(Before Apr/19/2017)



Attack 1 「避けちゃダメよ?」

Don't you dare dodge this!

Avoiding is no good, you know?

Attack 2 「邪魔!」

Move it!

Move it!

Attack 3 「そおれっ♪」

Thaaat's it!

Take this! ♪

Extra Attack 1 「アハハハハッ!」



Extra Attack 2 「恥ずかしいけど見せてあげる!」

This is kinda embarrassing, but here goes!

It's embarrassing, but I'll show you!

Noble Phantasm
(Before Apr/19/2017)
「サーヴァント界最大のヒットナンバーを、聞かせてあげる! 『鮮血魔嬢バートリ・エルジェーベト』!」

I'm going to let you hear the biggest hit in the Servant world!

Báthory Erzsébet!

I'll let you hear the greatest hit of the Servant World! Báthory Erzsébet!

Noble Phantasm 1 「サーヴァント界最大のヒットナンバーを、聞かせてあげる! フィナーレよ! 『鮮血魔嬢バートリ・エルジェーベト』! Laaaaa!」

I'm going to let you hear the biggest hit in the Servant world!

Time for the finale!
Báthory Erzsébet!

I'll let you hear the greatest hit of the Servant World! It's the Finale! Báthory Erzsébet! Laaaaa!



Noble Phantasm 2 「サーヴァント界最大のヒットナンバーを、聞かせてあげる! 飛ばしていくわ! ミューミュー無様に鳴きなさい! 『鮮血魔嬢バートリ・エルジェーベト』! ボエエエエエエ~」

I'm going to let you hear the biggest hit in the Servant world!

Let's get pumped up! Cry like pathetic little kittens!
Báthory Erzsébet!

I'll let you hear the greatest hit of the Servant World! I'll go and make it fly! Make those unsightly "myū myū" noises all you like! Báthory Erzsébet! BOEEEEEE~

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「ドラゴンステーキになっちゃうぅ〜っ!」

I'm gonna be a dragon steeeak!

I'm going to turn into a dragon-steak~!

Regular Damage 「きゃっ」



Defeated 1 「リハと違うぅ~!」

It wasn't like this in rehearsal!

This isn't like rehearsal~!

Defeated 2 「おぼえてなさいよ……!」

You'll regret this!

I'll remember this...

Battle Finish 1 「ぜ~んぜん楽勝じゃない」

That was sooo easy!

Su~ch an easy win

Battle Finish 2 「ブタ共~、ありがとー!」

Thanks, piggies!

Thank you, piggies~!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「血の伯爵夫人。それがアタシよ。ま、14歳の時の状態で英霊化してるから、正しくは令嬢……そう、鮮血魔嬢と言うのが正解ね」

The blood countess? That's me.

Although, it's the 14-year-old me that became a Heroic Spirit, so I'm a demoness... Right, I'm a Demoness of the Fresh Blood!

It is I, the Blood Countess. Well, since I'm at my 14 year old form, it's better to call me as...yes; Fresh Blood Demoness is better.

Bond Lvl 2 「言っておくけど、アタシのマスターに失敗は許されないわ。一流のマスターであることを心掛けなさい。無様をさらせば、その時点でアナタなんて、ぺしゃんこにしてジュースにしちゃうから」

Just so you know, my Masters aren't allowed to fail. Concentrate on being the best Master there is.

I'll crush you and drink you like juice the second you show weakness.

I'll say this now, as my Master, I will not tolerate failure from you. Aim to be a top class Master. Otherwise, if you even so much as reveal the least bit of clumsiness, I will crush you flat and turn you into juice.

Bond Lvl 3 「暗いところは嫌いなのよねぇ。地下洞窟はまだ我慢できるけど。地下牢とか、気が狂いそうになるわ。ま、もともと狂ってるんだけど、アタシ

I hate dark places... I can deal with underground caves, but underground prisons and stuff make me crazy.

Although, I guess I've always been crazy.

I hate dark places. I can handle caves but underground prisons drive me crazy. Well, I was already crazy to begin with.

Bond Lvl 4 「なんでアイドルに憧れているのかって? だってアイドルよ、アイドル! カワイイことだけ求められて、チヤホヤされるのが仕事なんて、アタシに相応しいと思わなーい!?」

Why do I like idols so much?

Because they're idols! Idols! They're valued for their cuteness, and it's their job to be pampered. It's the perfect job for me, don't you think?

"Why do I aspire to be an idol", you say? Well, I mean, come on. Idols! They get to do cute things and getting pampered is their job. Don't you think it suits me?

Bond Lvl 5 「なんだかんだと見所があるのよね、アナタ。専属マネージャー……は無理にしても、アタシ付きのADぐらいには考えてあげる。これからもアタシの為に頑張ってね、マスター」

You know, you have your good points.

I couldn't make you my exclusive manager or anything, but... I'll think about letting you hang around like a PA or something.
Keep on working hard for me, Master.

You show some promise. You're not quite cut out to be my manager yet, but I think about letting you be the AD at least. So from now on, work hard for me, okay, Master?

Dialogue 1 「ステージが呼んでいるわー! 行くわよ、子イヌ!」

The stage is calling! Let's go, puppy!

The stage is calling me! I'm coming, you pups!

Dialogue 2 アタシを満足させるための召使い。それがあなたってワケ」

It's a servant's job to satisfy me. I'm talking about you.

To satisfy me is your job as a Magus, is it not?

Dialogue 3 「契約だもの、最後まで協力するわよ。人気次第では、アンコールも有りね!」

A contract is a contract. I'll work with you until the end. I might even do an encore depending on how popular I am!

Just like we agreed, we'll work together until the end. Depending on the situation, even giving you an encore is acceptable!

Dialogue 4
(Carmilla (Rider) or Carmilla)

Carmilla... The "me" that became a vampire...

No Elisa, don't look away... She's my sin, my fate... If I can't redeem myself, I can at least accept it!

Carmilla...the me that became a vampire. No, that's no good, Liz, you can't avert your gaze. That is my sin, my punishment. If I can't atone for it, I'll at least accept her without running away.

Dialogue 5
(Marie Antoinette or Marie Antoinette (Caster))
「ぐぬぬっ……何が女王よ! アントワネットよ! むやみにロイヤル感振りまいちゃって! ……ハァ。でも、あれが生まれついてのアイドル。頂点の輝きなのね……。よぉーし、アタシもあの座まで登り詰めるわよー!」

Urggh... A queen! Who does Antoinette think she is? Acting like royalty for no reason... Ugh, but she's like a natural born idol, no one could be more dazzling... That's it! I'm going to sit on that throne too!

*Snicker* You? A queen? Antoinette! You rashly flaunted your royal status. Ha! But that's what it means to be a destined idol...the pinnacle of brilliance...OKAY! I too will climb to the top and become that kind of idol!

Dialogue 6
(Mysterious Alter Ego Λ or Meltryllis)
「メルトリリスにはいいイメージないのよねーアタシ。だってほら、キャラ被ってるじゃない。可憐なお嬢様系で、長髪で、露出度低めで、深窓のお嬢様で……ま、まあ、アタシはアイドルだから? その分インテリジェンスは隠しているんだけど!」

I'm not really a fan of Meltryllis...

Cuz you know, we're like the same person.
We're both super-pretty girls with long hair, don't show too much skin, and have deep history as ladies. You know, ladies!
B-but I'm an idol, so that's why I'm trying not to look too smart...!

Meltryllis does not have a clear image, huh. I mean, look, our character traits are overlapping. Lovely ojō-sama, long hair, less revealing clothes, sheltered young lady......We, well, because I'm an idol, I'm hiding my significant intelligence!

Dialogue 7
「ね! ねねねぇー! 今廊下で、素敵なサーヴァントとすれ違ったんだけど! シルクのような赤毛、涼しげな口元、細身なのに凛とした体。正に妖精の騎士! あれこそ本当の円卓の騎士なのね! でも、変な竪琴を持っていたけど、あれは何なのかしら。……え? 弓? あれで矢を撃つ? あと空を飛ぶ? ハハハ、まっさかぁー。それじゃあただの変態じゃない。……変態じゃない?」

Hey! Heyheyhey! I just bumped into a wonderful Servant in the hall!

Silky red hair, a refined mouth, and dignified-looking physique, even though he is kinda slender...
He's a knight almost like a fairy. He must be a bona fide Knight of the Round Table!
...But he was carrying a weird harp around. What's that for?
Eh, a bow? He shoots arrows with those? And he flies!?
Haha, you're kidding. That just makes him a weirdo!
He isn't...is he?

Hey! Heeeeeeey~! Just now, in the corridor, I passed a lovely Servant! Silk-like red hair, cool-looking lips, a slender, but dignified body! It was surely a fairy knight! That was a real Knight of the Round Table! But, he had a strange harp, I wonder what that could be... Huh? Bow? He shoots arrows with that? He also flies in the sky? Hahaha, no way~. That's just a weirdo, isn't it. ...He's a weirdo?

Dialogue 8
(Gilgamesh (Caster))
「ああああぁー! ショックだわ! 角に稲妻が落ちたようなボルトだわ! 何かあったのー、って廊下でまたあの裸族に出会ったのー! 何が賢王よ、ウルクの王様よ! あの金ぴか、大人になっても結局脱ぐんじゃない!!」

Awawawawah! What a shock! A shock like a bolt of lightning striking my horn!

What happened, you ask? I ran across that nudist in the halls again!!!
He doesn't deserve to be called a wise king nor the king of Uruk! That shiny gold jerk still runs around like that even when he grows up!

Aaaaa~! How shocking! It's as if a lightning bolt just struck me down! Something happened~ I met that naked guy in the hallway again~! What Sage King, the King of Uruk!? That goldie... in the end, even if you become an adult, undressing is no good!!

Dialogue 9
(Xuanzang Sanzang)

Hey, you dumb-looking girl.

Don't you think our stage personas are too similar?

Hey, stupid woman over there. Are you not covered with my character?

Dialogue 10
(Calamity Jane)
「素敵じゃなーい、そこのカラミティ! カウガールって言うの? どことなくチアコスっぽくて、気に入ったわ! ところで、アイドルユニットに興味とかあるかしらぁ?」

You're amazing, Calamity! Are you a cowgirl? You almost look like cheerleader. I love it! By the way, have you ever had any interest in joining an idol unit?

That Calamity over there, you look so fine! You said this is called Cowgirl? It looks somewhat like a Cheerleader Costume, I like it! By the way, I wonder if you are interested in forming an idol unit?

Dialogue 11
(Nine-Tattoo Dragon Eliza)
「九紋竜エリザ! まさか、まさかの、まさかだわ! えっ? エリザベートは他にもいるのかって? いるわよ当然! だって私だもの! ……何故たくさんいるのか? それは……哲学的な疑問ね。……エリザベートの可能性は無限大? ……なるほど。そうね、そうだわ! エリザベートは無限大なのよ!」
    Something you Like 「好きなもの? アイドルという概念ね。ほんと、鱗が落ちるかと思ったし」

    What do I like? The idea of being an idol, I guess. It was seriously mind-blowing!

    What I like? Oh, you don't ask an idol that so suddenly, I thought I had shed a scale there!

    Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの? もっちろん、脱獄、反逆、口答え、よ」

    What do I hate? Prison escapes, treachery, and back talk of course!

    Things I hate? Of course it's prison break, treason and talking behind my back.

    About the Holy Grail 「聖杯をどう思うか、ですって? 綺麗なグラスならもらっておくけど。え、望みがかなうの? でじまっ?!」

    You want to know what I think of the Holy Grail? I'd be happy to accept it if it's a pretty glass. What? It grants wishes? Seriously?

    "What do I think of the Holy Grail!?". Well if it's a beautiful one I'll take it... Huh, it grants wishes? Really!?

    During an Event 「なんか騒がしいけど、何かのイベントかしら?」

    It's so noisy... Could it be some kind of event?

    Somehow it's getting noisy, is it some kind of event?

    Birthday 「え、嘘、誕生日なの!? し、仕方ないわね。特別に、一曲披露してあげるわ!」

    What? No way! It's your birthday! O-Oh well, I guess I'll have to sing you a special song!

    Eh?! You're lying... today is your birthday!? W-Well it can't be helped. I'm going to sing you a special song!

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