Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Koyama Rikiya, Irisviel: Ōhara Sayaka)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「また汚れ仕事か……まぁいい。いつものことさ。」

More dirty work huh... Doesn't matter, happens all the time.

More dirty work… Fine. That's how it always is.

Level Up 「順調だ」

Doing well.

All right.

1st Ascension 「僕を誰かと勘違いしてないか?」

Aren't you mistaking me for someone else?

Aren't you mistaking me for someone else?

2nd Ascension 「調子にのるな。慎重に行くぞ」

Don't get full of yourself.

Proceed with caution.

Don't get ahead of yourself. Proceed with caution.

3rd Ascension 「暑いな……フードを外すよ。なんだい、その目は? あまり期待されても困るんだが」

It's hot... I'm taking my hood off.

...What's that look for? Don't expect too much from me.

It's hot in here… I'm taking my hood off. …What are you looking at me like that for? Don't expect too much from me.

4th Ascension エミヤ「結局、僕にできることなんてこれしかない。アサシンのサーヴァント……正義の味方の末路としては、気の利いたブラックジョークだよ───」


Emiya: In the end, this is all I'm capable of.

An Assassin Servant...
The fate of a hero of justice is a black comedy, indeed.
Iri: Kiritsugu. Even if my voice doesn't reach you, I will always...

Kiritsugu: In the end, this is all I'm capable of. An Assassin Servant. That this is the fate of a hero of justice is a black comedy, indeed.
Irisviel: Kiritsugu. Even if my voice doesn't reach you, I will always…

Battle Start 1 「手早く片付けよう」

Let's clean this up quickly.

Let's clean this up quickly.

Battle Start 2 「ここで仕留める」

I'll end you here.

I'll end you here.

Skill 1 「念には念を入れて、な」

One can never be too careful.

One can never be too careful.

Skill 2 「手遅れだよ」

Too late.

Too late.

Attack Selected 1 「あぁ」



Attack Selected 2 「そうか」

I see.

I see.

Attack Selected 3 「了解」



Noble Phantasm Selected 「カードを切ろう」

Time to use my trump card...

Let's shuffle the cards.

Attack 1 「こっちだ」

Over here.

Over here.

Attack 2 「残念」

Too bad.

What a shame.

Attack 3 「ふん」



Extra Attack 「すまんな、仕上げだ」

Sorry, you're finished.

Sorry, you're finished.

Noble Phantasm 「さあ、ついてこれるか。『時のある間に薔薇を摘めクロノス・ローズ』」

Now, can you keep up with me?

Chronos Rose!

Now, can you keep up with me? Chronos Rose.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「しまった……!」


Damn it…!

Regular Damage 「くっ!」



Defeated 1 「あぁ……やっとか」

Ah, finally...

Ah… finally.

Defeated 2 「詰めが甘かった、んだな……」

I underestimated them...in the end...

I underestimated them… in the end.

Battle Finish 1 「ターゲット、クリア」

Target, clear.

Target Clear

Battle Finish 2 「卑怯と思うか? なら、それがお前の敗因だ」

You think I'm a coward? That will be your downfall.

You think me a coward? That'll be your downfall.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「アンタの事情なんて知ったことじゃないし、聞きたくもない。ともかく、サーヴァントとしての務めだけは果たす。……それでいいんだ」

I don't know your circumstances, and I don't care to hear them.

In any case, I'll fulfill my obligations as a Servant. That's enough, right?

I don't know your circumstances, and I don't care to hear them. In any case, I'll fulfill my obligations as a Servant. …That should be enough.

Bond Lvl 2 「世界を救うだと? 甘い考えはさっさと捨てた方が身のためだ」

You're going to save the world? For your own good, you should abandon any naive notions you still carry.

You're going to save the world? For your own good, you should abandon any naive notions you still carry.

Bond Lvl 3 「こういう無駄骨を……何度も繰り返してきた奴を知っている。誰かって? さぁ、誰だったかな……」

I know people who have repeated this futile endeavor over and over.

Who, you ask? ...Well, who indeed?

I know people who have… repeated this futile endeavor over and over. Who, you ask? Well, who indeed…?

Bond Lvl 4 「妙だな……アンタみたいな馬鹿とは、そりが合わないのが常だったんだが」

Strange. I never thought I could hit it off with an idiot like you...

How odd… I never thought I could hit it off with idiots like you.

Bond Lvl 5 「この先どんな奇跡が起きようと、僕の在り方……僕の罪状は、変わらない。だが、僕が及ばなかったことを……成し遂げられる人間なのかもな……アンタは」

No matter what miracles might occur, the way I live my life, my sins will never change.

But you...you might be someone who can accomplish the things that I wasn't able to.

No matter what miracles might occur, my state… my sins will never change. But you… you might be someone who can accomplish the things that I wasn't able to.

Dialogue 1 「だらけてる場合か、行くぞ」

This is no time to be slacking. Let's go.

This is no time to be slacking. Let's go.

Dialogue 2 「上手い作戦があるというなら、聞くだけは聞いておくが」

If you have a good plan, I'll at least listen to it.

If you have a good plan, I'll at least listen to it.

Dialogue 3 「慎重さ、綿密さ、あとは黙って無駄口を叩かないこと。それだけで上手くやっていけるだろう」

Caution, attention to detail, and no idle chatter.

I'm sure we can get along with just that.

Caution, attention to detail, and no idle chatter. I'm sure you can manage that much.

Dialogue 4
(Irisviel (Dress of Heaven))
「……別に? 彼女の事を嫌っているわけじゃない。そうだな……あんた、ギリシャ神話のイカロスの話は知っているかい? ───ん? なに? 『よくわからないからアイリスフィールさんに直接聞いてみる』……? ま、待て。それは、待ってくれ……!」
    Dialogue 5
    (Illyasviel von Einzbern or Illyasviel von Einzbern (Archer))
    「イリヤスフィール……? あの子は…………いや、いいんだ。何でもないさ」
      Dialogue 6
      「シトナイ? アルターエゴ……そうか、そういう霊基の在り方か。いや、いい。僕から話す事は───待て。あんた……声をかけに行くんじゃない!」
        Dialogue 7
        (EMIYA (Alter))
          Dialogue 8
          (EMIYA (Alter))
          「あんた、イケるクチか? テキーラは? ……へえ、そうか」
            Something you Like 「好物? そうだな、たまには何か甘いものでも食いたくなる」

            Likes... Let me see.

            I like to eat something sweet from time to time.

            Things I like? Let me see… Sometimes I want to eat sweet things.

            Something you Hate 「嫌いな物? 言うまでもない。綺麗事で世の中を救えるなんて、甘ったれたことを抜かす奴には虫唾が走るね」

            Dislikes? That goes without saying.

            I feel nothing but disgust at those who ignore the hard facts and think they can save the world with pretty words.

            Things I dislike? That goes without saying. I feel nothing but disgust at those who ignore the hard facts and think they can save the world with pretty words.

            About the Holy Grail 「聖杯だって? 碌なもんじゃないとだけ言っておく。まあ、その目で確かめてみると良い」

            ...Holy Grail, you say? I'll tell you now that nothing good can come of it.

            Well, see for yourself.

            The Holy Grail? I'll tell you now that nothing good can come of it. Well, see for yourself.

            During an Event 「何かおかしい、確認しておくべきだ」

            Something is strange. We should check it out.

            Something's unusual. We should check it out.

            Birthday 「生まれてきたのを、後悔したことはないか?」

            Have you ever regretted being born?

            Have you ever regretted that you were born?

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