Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Takano Urara)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「やあ! 僕の名はビリー・ザ・キッド!新しめのサーヴァントだけど、役に立つと思うよ!

Hello! My name is Billy the Kid!

Although I am a new Servant, I think I will be useful!
Nice to meet you!

Heyo! My name is Billy the Kid. I'm a newish Servant, but I think I'll be useful. Nice to meet you.

Level Up 「よし。いい感じだぁ」

Lookin' good.

Alright, it's a good feeling.

1st Ascension 「うん。もう少し行けそうだ」

We can still do better!

Yeah. I could go a little more.

2nd Ascension 「おおっと。ありがとう」

My, my, thank you kindly.

Oops. Thanks.

3rd Ascension 「いやはや……ありがとう」

Thank you indeedy.

Goodness…… Thank you.

4th Ascension 「そうか……僕は撃つしか能のない奴だけど、君がそれでいいならがんばろう。……この銃に誓って」

Well, I might be good at nothing but shooting.

But if that's what you want, I'll do my best. I swear on this gun.

I see…… I'm someone who can only shoot, but…… If you're okay with that, I'll work hard. I swear on this gun.

Battle Start 1 「さて……眉間に当たれば倒せるかなぁ?」

A shot between the eyes should do, yeah?

Well, I wonder if hitting them between the eyebrows will defeat them?

Battle Start 2 「よし、頑張るよ」

All right, time to shine.

Alright, I'll do my best.

Skill 1 「キャッチして!」

Catch this!

Catch this!

Skill 2 「こういうのは得意でね、そらっ!」

That's right up my alley. Take this!

This kind of thing is my specialty…… look!

Skill 3 「コインをはじいて……っと」

The flip of a coin.

Attack Selected 1 「オーケイ!」



Attack Selected 2 「了解」


Roger that.

Attack Selected 3 「行くよ?」

Here goes!

Let's go.

Noble Phantasm Selected 「──決闘、受けてみる?」

You ready for a showdown?

Will you accept my duel?

Attack 1 「喰らえ!」

Take that!

Take this!

Attack 2 「ファイア!」



Attack 3 「はっ!」



Extra Attack 「ノロいなぁ──」

Too slow!


Noble Phantasm 1 「さぁ、早撃ち勝負だ。先に抜いてもいいよ? 僕の方が速いから。……ファイア!!」

It's time for a duel!

Go ahead, you can draw first, cos I'm faster.

Let's have a quick draw game. You may draw earlier, since I'm really fast... FIRE!!

Noble Phantasm 2 「予言するよ……この『壊音の霹靂サンダラー』で眉間に三発。それで終わり。さあ……喰らいな!」

Here's my prediction:

I'll put three bullets between your eyes with my Thunderer, and that'll be that.
Okay now....
eat it!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「しまっ……」



Regular Damage 1 「ぐっ」



Defeated 1 「墓碑の名は、刻まないでほしい……嫌なんだ、アレ」

Do me a favor and leave my tombstone blank, would ya? I don't like that.

I don't want that name engraved on my tombstone…… I hate it.

Defeated 2 「そっか……ごめん」

Right then... Sorry...

So that's how it is…… Sorry.

Battle Finish 1 「スピードで負けてるんだから、君が勝てる筈無いじゃないか。ねぇ?」

You can't outpace me in speed,

so you're never gonna ace me, got it?

When it comes to speed, I don't lose, so you shouldn't expect to win, yeah?

Battle Finish 2 「よしっ、勝った! 見ていてくれたかい?」

Bingo! Did you see that?

Alright, I won! Were you watching?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「やあ、よろしく! これから頑張るから」

Hey, nice to meet ya. From now on, I'll do my best!

Hey, nice to meet you. From now on, I'll do my best.

Bond Lvl 2 「あっははは……と、君は騒がしいのは嫌いかな? ごめんね」

Ahaha! Sorry partner, were you hoping for some peace and quiet?

Ah- hahaha…… Oh, do you dislike noise? Sorry.

Bond Lvl 3 「んー、君が騒がしいのが嫌いだって聞いたから、黙ってみたんだけど。黙らなくていい?」

...Hm, I hear you hate it when it gets noisy so I tried to be quiet. Not this quiet, then?

Hm- Because you hate it when it's noisy, I tried to be quiet, but. You didn't want me to be quiet?

Bond Lvl 4 「あっ、マスターか。いつからそこに? ……ずっとここにいた? んー……僕の感覚、鈍ってるのかなぁ……」

Oh, Master, how long have ya been over there? The whole dang time? Hrm, I must be losing it...

Ah, Master…… Since when were you there? You've been there the whole time? Hm…… I wonder if my senses are that dull……

Bond Lvl 5 「そうだね、君には告白しておこう。僕は……『陽気な拳銃王』って訳じゃない。薄ら寂しい夜の方が好きな、変わり者さ。そんな僕でよければ、これから先も戦うよ。……うん」

Alrighty then, let me break it to ya.

I'm not some carefree legendary gunman. I like those quiet, lonesome nights.
I'm a bit of an outcast. But if you'll still have me, I'll stick around.

That's right, I have something to confess to you. I'm…… not the cheery revolver king. I like dim, lonely nights…… I'm a misfit. If you're okay with someone like me…… From now on, I'll fight. ……Yeah.

Dialogue 1 「うん……そろそろ出かけないかい?」

You about ready to hit that dusty trail?

Yeah…… Shouldn't we go out soon?

Dialogue 2 「んー……君は僕を召使いと思いたいのかい? 違うならいいけどさ」

Hrmph, did you think I was here to serve?

No? Good.

Hm…… What do you think of me as a Servant? I hope it's different.

Dialogue 3 「あっははは、アウトローに主従とかそういうのは無理だよ」

Ahahah, it's impossible for an outlaw to have a Master-Servant relationship.

Ahahaha, it's impossible for an outlaw to have a master-servant relationship.

Dialogue 4
(Robin Hood)
「なんだロビンか。いい加減毒なんてやめなよ、健康に悪い。時代は火薬だ。派手な方が楽しいだろ? ……ちぇっ、頑固者!」

Oh, it's you, Robin.

Why don't you quit using all that poison? It's bad for you.
Gunpowder's the way to go nowadays. The flashier, the better, right?
Oh come on, you stubborn lunkhead!

Oh, it's just Robin. Why don't you give that poison stuff a break already? It's bad for your health. Besides, it's the era of gunpowder now. Flashy stuff is more fun, right? ... tch, you're so stubborn.

Dialogue 5

Hey, the bloodstained warrior makes his appearance!

Let's go out camping in the wilderness again.
I made a mean cup of coffee, didn't I?

An odd bloody warrior appears. Let's go camping in the wilderness again. Coffee, was it tasty?

Dialogue 6
(Thomas Edison)

Wow, I never expected a hero with a lion's head!

Outlaws like me start to die out, and people like him start showing up.
Is that a good thing...or a bad thing?
Well, doesn't matter to me!

Well, it is a strange hero with a lion head. An outlaw like us disappears, a fellow like him comes out. ...... I feel lonely, I wonder if they are happy ... Well whichever is OK!

Dialogue 7
「うっひゃあ、おっかない看護師さんの登場だ! あと、銃はもうちょっと繊細に扱うべきじゃないかなぁ?」

Whoa! A scary nurse makes her appearance!

Don't you think you should be a little more careful with your gun?

Oooooh, it's the appearance of a scary nurse! Also, should we handle the gun a little more delicately?

Something you Like 「好きなもの? ……明るく楽しいのが好き、かなぁ」

What do I like? Fun and cheerful things, yeah?

Things I like? I like bright fun things.

Something you Hate 「……騒がしいのは、あまり好きじゃないんだ」

Not a big fan of ruckuses.

I don't really like it being noisy.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯? あまり興味ないよ。僕は僕の思うまま、生きたしね」

The Holy Grail? Not really my thing. I already lived as I please.

Holy Grail? I don't have much interest in it. I guess I want to live how I want.

During an Event 「何かあったみたいだよ? ほらほら」

Something's going down. Let's check it out.

It looks like there's something going on? Look, look.

Birthday 「あ、誕生日か。おめでとう! メッセージカード、送るよ」

Oh, your birthday? Have a good one. I'll send ya a card.

Oh, it's your birthday…… Congratulations, let's send out a message card.

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