Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Sawashiro Miyuki)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント、セイバー。


Servant, Saber.

I am the Great King of Kosala,[1] Rama.
It's okay, leave everything to me!

Servant, Saber. Great King of Kosala[1], Rama. It's alright, leave it all to me!

Level Up 「うん。また一つ、王としての道を歩んだらしい」

Hmm, it seems I walk the path of kings once again.

Hm. Once more, I seem to be walking the path of a King.

1st Ascension 「これはいいな!」

I like this!

This would be good!

2nd Ascension 「ほほう……?」



3rd Ascension 「うん、最高だ! こうでなくては!」

Yes, I feel amazing. This is how it's supposed to be.

Yes, this is the best! This is how it's supposed to be!

4th Ascension 「ありがとう。……その、すまない。こんな言葉しか思いつかないのだ……」

...Thank you. I apologize, but these are the only words I can offer...

Thank you... Sorry, I could not come up with anything else but these words...

Battle Start 1 「ふっ、運が悪かったな。このラーマに出遭うとは!」

Hmph, bad luck for you to come across me, Rama!

Hmph, it seems you have bad luck. For you to encounter me, Rama!

Battle Start 2 「我が道を阻むか……ならば、お前は私の敵だ。ゆくぞ!」

If you stand in my way... Then you are...

MY ENEMY! Here I go!

Will you hinder my path? Then, you are my enemy. Let's go!

Skill 1 「ヴィシュヌの加護を!」

By the blessings of Vishnu!

By the blessings of Vishnu!

Skill 2 「王の契約だ」

By the contract of the King.

By the contract of the King.

Skill 3 「シータ……僕は負けない!」

Sita, I'm not going to lose!

Skill 4 「正しき命の道へ向かわん!」

Turn to the proper path in life!

Attack Selected 1 「ゆくか!」

As you wish.

Shall we go.

Attack Selected 2 「うん」



Attack Selected 3 「いいだろう」

Very well then!

All right.

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「我が力に括目せよ!」

Witness my power!

Witness my power!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「我がつるぎ──烈火の如く!」

My blade... release your rage!

My sword is like a raging fire!

Attack 1 「行くぞ!」

Here I go!

Let's go!

Attack 2 「ていっ!」



Attack 3 「だあっ!」



Attack 4 「切っ先! 甘いぞ!」

Your blade's edge is dull!

Attack 5 「視認遅いな!」

Too slow!

Attack 6 「剣速のろい!」

Your blade is slow!

Extra Attack 1 「さあ、散ってしまえ!」

Now, scatter at once!

Now, scatter at once!

Extra Attack 2 「剣とて遅れを取るものか!」

With my blade, I won't fall behind!

Noble Phantasm 1 「羅刹王すら屈した不滅の刃、その身で受けてみよ! 喰らえ! 『羅刹を穿つ不滅ブラフマーストラ』!!」

Behold the immortal blade that vanquished the Rakshasa King!

Feast upon my enemy!

Indestructible blade that even the Rakshasa King succumbs over, take form! Take this! Brahmastra!

Noble Phantasm 2 「魔神ラーヴァナを討ったこの一撃。耐えれば名誉、屈伏には破滅。汝はどちらに立つ身だ? ──行くぞ! 『羅刹を穿つ不滅ブラフマーストラ』!!」

This attack brought down Ravana himself. Honor will be upon you if you can endure it, destruction if you cannot.

Which will it be!?
Here I come!

This is the blow that struck the devil Ravana. IF you can withstand it, you deserve honour, but if you surrender to it, you shall fall into ruin. Which one shall thou be? Here it come! The immortal blade that vanquished the Rakshasa KingBrahmastra.

Noble Phantasm 3 月輪げつりんつるぎ、必滅の矢。すなわち『羅刹を穿つ不滅ブラフマーストラ』。この一撃を、我が妻シータに捧ぐ。──いっけえぇぇぇぇっ!!」

The blade of the moon's ring, the bow of mortality...the Brahmastra.

I shall dedicate this blow to my wife, Sita!

The blade of full moon, the arrow of mortality. That is The immortal blade that vanquished the Rakshasa KingBrahmastra. This blow is dedicated to my wife, Sita. Goooo!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「がぁっ!」



Regular Damage 「ぐっ!」



Defeated 1 「シータ……許してくれ……」

Sita... Forgive me...

Sita... Forgive me...

Defeated 2 「すまない、後は頼む……」

I leave...it in your hands

Apologies, I leave the rest to you...

Battle Finish 1 「天空の神々よ、我が勝利を捧げよう!」

Oh heavenly gods, I offer thee this victory.

Oh heavenly gods, to thee, I offer this victory!

Battle Finish 2 「シータ、もう少しだけ待っていてくれ!」

Sita, please just wait a little more!

Sita, please wait just a little bit more...!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「マスター、どうした?」

What's wrong, Master?

Master, what's wrong?

Bond Lvl 2 「やれやれ……他にする事はないのか?」

Aah... Isn't there anything better to do?

Whew...is there anything else?

Bond Lvl 3 「こらこら、頭を撫でるな。無礼であろう」

Hey, don't pat my head, it's rude.

Hey hey, don't pat my head. It's rude.

Bond Lvl 3
(Clear E Pluribus Unum)
「マスター! ぼ──ああいや余だ。余に、何か用か? ……今、僕と言いかけていただと? 気のせいである! 大変に気のせいである。……余は、王だからな。一人称には気を付けねばならんのだ」


What's up...er, I mean, what concerns you?
What? I was being especially casual?
That is your imagination...a trick of the senses.
I am a king, after all. I must always be aware of how I speak to others.

Bond Lvl 4 「いいか? 余はこう見えても、天寿を全うした王なのだ! だから子ども扱いするでない。……ええい、もう……!」

Listen, I may look like this now, but I am a king that had lived a full life!

So do not treat me like a child! Hey, Geez...

Listen. Though I may look like this, I am a king that had lived a full life! So do not treat me like a child!...Eei! Geez...

Bond Lvl 5
Part 1

I got it. It's my loss... I guess I am like a child in many ways.

Hmm... so... guide me, I will put my trust in Master's words and my life in your hands... Let's go!

I got it. It's my loss...Admittedly, I am like a child...Hm. Therefore, guide me. I will put my trust in Master's words and my life in your hands...Let's go!

Bond Lvl 5
Part 2

Hmph. We've been through a lot, Master. While it may not last forever, our journey will still go on and we will continue to create memories. Your continued good health is our...I mean, my wish.

Now come on, let's go!

Dialogue 1 「さてマスター、そろそろ出掛けないか?」

Well, Master, shall we be leaving soon?

Well Master, should we not go out soon?

Dialogue 2 「余はサーヴァントであり、汝がマスターだ。しかし、余は汝に平伏することはない。当然であろう? それが世の節理というものだ」

I am the Servant, you are the Master.

But I shall not prostrate before you.
For that is the way the world works.

I am a Servant, you are a Master. Even so, I shall not prostrate to thee. Isn't it a matter of course? That is the way the world works.

Dialogue 3 「マスター、汝は正義か? 余は邪悪を憎む。勿論、この思想が危険であることは承知。だが、それでも人は正義を謳うべきなのだ」

Master, are you on the side of justice? I despise evil.

Of course, I recognize the danger in this thought, however, I believe justice should be celebrated by all.

Master, are thou justice? I hate evil. Of course, I am aware of how dangerous such a line of thought can be. Even so, people should sing of justice.

Dialogue 4

I see, so that's the blessed hero Arjuna. However, to share a wife...

Even if we are countrymen, that's hard to overlook.

Oho, that is the Fortunate Hero Arjuna...However, to share a wife...Even if we are countrymen, that's hard to overlook.

Dialogue 5
「彼が施しの英雄か。なるほどあの眼差しはすべてを射抜くが如くだな! 彼と弓の腕を競ってもいいかマスター!」

So he's the Hero of Benefaction?

Interesting, his gaze pierces like an arrow.
Master! Allow to me compete with him in archery!

So he's the Hero of Charity. I see, he has a gaze that seems to pierce through anything! Master, is it alright for me to compete with him in archery?

Dialogue 6
「パールヴァティー様……!? なるほど、そういう事情がおありでしたか……。人の身では、何かと不自由でしょう。どうぞ、何かあれば遠慮なく我らにお頼りください」

Lady Pārvatī? I see...

So that's what you've been through.
I am sure inhabiting a human's body can be very inconvenient.
Please do not hesitate to let me know if I can be of any assistance!

Dialogue 7
(Jinako Carigiri)
「ガネーシャ様……? いや、何か違う気がする。像ではないし……いや、象なのか……? 全くもってわからん!」

The Great Ganesha... No...something feels a bit off...

An elephant...or not?
I have absolutely no clue!

Ganesha-sama......? No, I feel something is different. It's not the statue......No, is it the statue.....? I don't know at all!

Dialogue 8
(Arjuna & Clear Yuga Kshetra)
「おお、アルジュナか! ……ああいや、異聞帯の汝には、全く苦労させられたようだ。──あっははは! やはり汝は『人間として』戦う方が良い。折角だ、マスターと共にバナナでも食べに行くぞ! ついてこい!」

Ah, Arjuna!

It appears the version of you from the Lostbelt wreaked some havoc! Hahaha, you're better off fighting as a human.
But since you're here, let's go get some bananas with Master. Follow me!

Dialogue 9
(Karna & Clear Yuga Kshetra)
「カルナ……! あの異聞帯において、汝の尽力がなければ、我らはマスター共々全滅していたと聞く。無論、此処にいる汝ではないのだが……感謝は伝えなければな。王としての礼儀だ」


If it wasn't for your efforts, I hear that Master and the rest of us would have been annihilated.
And obviously, I'm not talking about you specifically...but I still need to express my gratitude.
That is proper courtesy as king.

Dialogue 10
(Arjuna (Alter))
「あれが、アルジュナ……? ……おいおいマスター、一体何をどうすれば、あの域に到達するのだ!? もはやあれは英雄ではなく、神に近いぞ!? あれと戦うなど、無茶もいいところだ!」

Is that...Arjuna...?

Hey Master. What the heck do you have to do to become something like that!? That being's more than a hero...he's more like a god!
Fighting that would be reckless at best!

Dialogue 11 「シータが召喚されたかもしれないカルデア、か……。うん……そんなカルデアだと、恐らく余が召喚されてないのだろうな……。──けれど、シータなら元気で頑張っていると信じるぞ」
    Dialogue 12
    (Clear Yuga Kshetra)
    「スーパーカルナ? スーパーカルナか……むうぅ、ちょっと羨ましいな……。余もここはひとつ、偉大なる神々の力を借りて、スーパーラーマになるべきだろうか……? うーん……」
      Dialogue 13
      (Aśvatthāman & Clear Yuga Kshetra)
        Something you Like 「楽しめることは何でも好きだぞ。舞踊、音楽、武術、瞑想」

        I enjoy many things...

        Dance, music, martial arts, meditation...

        I like anything that I enjoy. Dance, music, martial arts, meditation.

        Something you Hate 「堕落はいとうべきもの。しかし、何より忌み嫌うのは、かつて愛する妻の不貞を疑ってしまった己自身だ。たまに、己を絞め殺したくなる……」

        Degeneracy should be discouraged.

        But I abhor myself more than anything, especially when I accused my beloved wife of infidelity.
        Sometimes I want nothing more than to strangle myself.

        I am weary of depravity. However, the one thing that I abhor the most is myself, when I suspected my beloved wife of infidelity...sometimes, I would like nothing more than to wring my own neck.

        About the Holy Grail 「シータに会いたい。会って話をしたい。余はそれだけでいい。ただ、それだけで……」

        ...I want to see Sita. I want to speak to her. That's all I want. Nothing else...

        I want to see Sita. I want to meet and talk to her. That's good enough for me. Just that is enough.

        During an Event 「んん? おいマスター、急げ! 何かあったみたいだぞ」

        Huh? Master, come! I think something has happened!

        Hmm!? Hey Master, hurry! It looks something's going on.

        Birthday 「ほほぅ、誕生日か。では、今日は祝日に制定しよう。さぁ! パレードの準備をせよ!」

        I see, it's your birthday? Then we must make this day a public holiday!

        Come, we must prepare a parade for you!

        Oho, a Birthday huh? Then, We shall declare today a day of celebration. Now, let's prepare for a parade!


        1. 1.0 1.1 Kosala was an ancient Indian kingdom.

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