Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki

Status Effects, also commonly known as buffs and debuffs, are special effects than can affect a Servant's or enemy's state or performance in combat.

Buffs are effects that have positive dispositions to Units.

Icon Name Effect
Attackup ATK up Increase unit's attack.
Powerup Damage up Increase unit's damage.
Defenseup DEF up Increase unit's defense.
Statusup Buff / Debuff Success Rate Up Increase unit's buff / debuff success rate.
Resistanceup RES up Increase unit's debuff resistance.
Removalresistup Buff Removal Resist Up Increase unit's buff removal resistance.
Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity Unit is immune to debuffs.
Quickupstatus Quick up Increase unit's Quick Card power.
Permquickup Permanent Quick Up Increase unit's Quick Card power.
Quickabsorpt Quick absorption up Increase unit's Quick Card star absorption.
Artsupstatus Arts up Increase unit's Arts Card power.
Permartsup Permanent Arts Up Increase unit's Arts Card power.
Artsabsorp Arts absorption up Increase unit's Arts Card star absorption.
Busterupstatus Buster up Increase unit's Buster Card power.
Permbusterup Permanent Buster Up Increase unit's Buster Card power.
Busterabsorpt Buster absorption up Increase unit's Buster Card star absorption.
Maxhpup Max HP Up Increase unit's max HP.
Healup Heal Power Up Unit gains more HP from healing.
Healpowup Heal Rate Up Increase unit's healing received rate.
Hpregen HP Regen Recover unit's HP at the end of the turn.
Npchargeup NP Generation up Unit generates more NP Gauge per hit.
Nppowerup NP Damage up Unit's Noble Phantasm damage increases.
Npgainturn NP Regen Unit's NP Gauge increases at the end of the turn.
NPOvercharge NP Overcharge NP gains an additional Overcharge level
Critabsup Star Absorb up Unit absorbs more critical stars.
Starabsoprtdown Star Absorb down (Buff) Unit absorbs fewer critical stars.
Stargainup Star Generation up Unit generates more critical stars.
Stargainturn Star Regen Gain Critical Stars at the end of the turn.
Critdmgup Crit Dmg up Increase unit's critical damage.
Critchnup Critical Chance up (Enemy only)
Increases unit's critical rate.
Gutsstatus Guts The next time the unit would be defeated, instead recover HP.
Avoid Evade Direct damage to the unit is prevented.
Invincible Invincible Direct damage to the unit is prevented.
Surehit Sure Hit Unit's attacks ignores Evasion.
Invinciblepierce Pierce Invincible Unit's attacks ignores Invincible and Evade.
Ignoredefense Ignore Defense Unit's attacks ignores defense buff.
Tauntup Taunt All Single target attacks will target this unit.
Tauntdown Taunt Down (Buff) Decrease unit's chance of being targeted.
Dragontrait Class/Trait Change Unit changes Class/Trait.
Buffatk Buff Hit Unit's attack inflict certain buff on self.
Debuffatk Debuff Hit Unit's attack inflict certain debuff on target.
Instapowerup Instant Death Rate Up Increase unit's instant death success rate.
Instaresistup Instant Death Resist Up Increase unit's instant death resistance.
Instakillimmunity Instant Death Immunity Unit is immune to instant death.
DmgResistUp Damage Resistance Reduce damage to unit.
Quickresistup Quick Resistance Reduce Quick Card damage to unit.
Artsresistup Arts Resistance Reduce Arts Card damage to unit.
Busterresistup Buster Resistance Reduce Buster Card damage to unit.
DelayedBuff Delayed Buff Unit gains buff after x turns.
Buffregen Buff Regen Unit gains buff at the end of every turn.
Hitcountup Hit Count Up (Miyamoto Musashi Only)
Increase unit's number of hits for each attack.
Underworldprotecc Protection of the Underworld Unit gain Protection of the Underworld status.
(Gain ATK Up buff after Ereshkigal activates her NP)
Grailbuff Grail Buff (Camelot Boss Only)
Unit gain various buff.
Bondbronze Bond Level Bonus (Lv.5+) Unit gains additional attack based on bond level.
(Lv.5: +25%, Lv.6: +40%, Lv.7: +60%).
Bondsilver Bond Level Bonus (Lv.8+) Unit gains additional attack based on bond level.
(Lv.8: +75%, Lv.9: +90%).
Bondgold Max Bond Level Bonus (Lv.10) Unit gains additional attack based on bond level. (+100%).

Debuffs are effects that have negative dispositions to Units.

Icon Name Effect
Attackdown ATK down Decrease unit's attack.
Powerdown Damage down Decrease Unit's damage.
Defensedown DEF down Decrease unit's defense.
Statusdown Buff / Debuff Success Rate Down Decrease unit's buff / debuff success rate.
Resistancedown RES down Decrease unit's debuff resistance.
Removalresistdown Buff Removal Resist Down Decrease unit's buff removal resistance.
Quickdown Quick down Decrease unit's Quick Card power.
Artsdown Arts down Decrease unit's Arts Card power.
Busterdown Buster down Decrease unit's Buster Card power.
Maxhpdown Max HP Down Decrease unit's max HP.
Healdown Heal Down Unit gains fewer HP from healing.
Burn Burn Unit takes damage at the end of the turn. Stackable.
Burnup Burn Damage Up Unit takes more damage from burn status.
Poison Poison Unit takes damage at the end of the turn. Stackable.
Poisonup Poison Damage Up Unit takes more damage from poison status.
Curse Curse Unit takes damage at the end of the turn. Stackable.
CurseDmgUp Increased Curse Damage Unit takes increased Curse damage.
Stunstatus Stun Unit cannot act for 1 turn.
Charmstatus Charm Unit cannot act for 1 turn.
Pig Pig Unit cannot act for 1 turn.
Npchargedown NP Generation down Unit generates less NP Gauge per hit.
Nppowerdown NP down Unit's Noble Phantasm damage decreases.
Nplossturn NP Loss Unit's NP Gauge decreases at the end of the turn.
NPGainDownDmg Reduced NP Gain from Attack (Enemy only)
NP gain from hits are reduced when player servants attacks target with this debuff.
Stargaindown Star Generation down Unit generates fewer critical stars.
Starabsoprtdown Star Absorb down Unit absorbs fewer critical stars.
Critdmgdown Crit Dmg down Decrease unit's critical damage.
Critchndown Critical Chance down (Enemy only)
Decreases unit's critical rate.
Skillseal Skill Seal Unit cannot use Active Skills.
Npseal NP Seal Unit cannot use Noble Phantasm.
Unit cannot charge NP gauge. (Enemy Only)
BuffBlock Buff Block All buffs are blocked.
Instapowerdown Instant Death Rate Down Decrease unit's instant death success rate.
Instaresistdown Instant Death Resist Down Decrease unit's instant death resistance.
DmgResistDown Damage Resistance Down Reduce damage resistance of unit.
Quickresistdown Quick Resistance Down Reduce Quick Card damage resistance to unit.
Artsresistdown Arts Resistance Down Reduce Arts Card damage resistance to unit.
Busterresistdown Buster Resistance Down Reduce Buster Card damage resistance to unit.
DelayedDebuff Delayed Debuff Unit gains debuff after x turn(s).
Debuffregen Debuff Regen Unit gains debuff at the end of every turn.


  • Instant Death is not a debuff. Servants and Enemies have a separate Death Resist stat from Debuff Resist. Effects that prevent debuffs do not prevent instant death.
  • Servants and enemies can be defeated from Burn reducing HP to 0.
  • As of London update, Curse is now stackable.
  • As of Shimosa update, Burn & Poison is now stackable.
  • Max HP buff also heals unit.
  • Healing received from Max HP buff cannot be reduced by Heal Down debuff, but the buff itself can be blocked.
  • Normal healing cannot be blocked, but can be reduced by Heal Down debuff.
  • Invincible, Evasion, and Guts cannot stack.
  • Effect from Necromancy CE counted as permanent Guts.
  • Taunt can cause an enemy Servant's Noble Phantasm to fail to execute, but still use up a full Charge Gauge.
    • Needs confirmation! Sometimes behaves this way and sometimes does not.