Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Sound Player
  • A Section in MY ROOM that lets you replay BGMs that you have come across during Battles, Dialogues, Noble Phantasms, or any parts of the game.
  • To Unlock the Sound/BGM, you need to play the related Battles, Dialogues, Noble Phantasms, etc. first, then pay a certain amount of in-game items. After that, the Sound is permanently unlocked.
  • As of March 2017, only BGM tracks belonging to story conversations, missions, combat, maps, and certain event exclusive conversations, combat, maps, and shops can be purchased. BGM tracks played during Noble Phantasm animations, and those belonging to the following events cannot yet be purchased:
    • Kara no Kyoukai / The Garden of Order
    • Fate/Stay Night - Heaven's Feel and Fate/EXTRA Last Encore Anime Japan 2016 Announcement Collaboration
    • Fate / Accel Zero Order
    • Prisma Causeway Event
    • 「Fate/EXTELLA」Launch Celebration
    • Shop BGM for Moon Goddess Event, Valentine 2016 Event and their subsequent reruns
  • Story related tracks can be purchased with Class Pieces or Monuments, prices being 10, 15 or 20 units of either of them, while Limited Event tracks can be purchased with ascension and skill items, each track costing 10 or 15 units of a single item type.
List of Sounds/BGMs
Track No. Track Name (JP/EN) Unlock Cost Track
1 Grand Order Default
2 マイルーム
3 カルデア
4 人理の光
Light of Humanity
5 聞き慣れたメロディー
Familiar Melody
6 エマージェンシー
7 不屈の覚悟
Indomitable Resolution
8 暗雲を払え
Banishing The Dark Mist
10 賑やかな旅路
A Lively Voyage
11 記憶の回廊
Memoria Claustrum
Saber piece10
12 集いし英雄 ~BATTLE 1~
Gathering of Heroes ~BATLLE 1~
Archer piece10
13 鋼の矜持 ~FATAL BATTLE 1~
Dignity of Steel ~FATAL BATLLE 1~
Lancer piece10
Rider piece10
15 蘇る神話 ~FGO~
Resurrected Myths ~FGO~
Caster piece10
Assassin piece10
17 英霊召喚
Heroic Spirit Summoning
Berserker piece10
18 マイルーム ~NEW YEAR~
Saber monument10
19 炎上汚染都市:冬木
Flame Desecrated City : Fuyuki
Archer monument10
20 邪竜百年戦争:オルレアン
Draconic Hundred Year War : Orleans
Lancer monument10
21 永続狂気帝国:セプテム
Empire of Eternal Madness : Septem
Rider monument10
22 封鎖終局四海:オケアノス
The Sealed Four Seas : Okeanos
Caster monument10
23 死界魔霧都市:ロンドン
City of Baleful Fog : London
Assassin monument10
24 誕生の時来たれり ~御使いの四柱戦~
The Time of Birth Is Here ~Angel of Four Pillars Battle~
Berserker monument10
25 北米神話大戦:イ・プルーリバス・ウナム
North American Mythological War : E Pluribus Unum
Saber piece15
26 イグニッション ~BATTLE 2~
Ignition ~BATTLE 2~
Archer piece15
27 解き放つ力 ~FATAL BATTLE 2~
Unsealed Power ~FATAL BATTLE 2~
Lancer piece15
28 人理の錨 ~魔神柱戦~
Anchor of Humanity ~Demon God Pillar Battle~
Rider piece15
29 大統王行進曲
March of the Grand Magnate
Caster piece15
30 神聖円卓領域:キャメロットI
Sacred Round Table Region : Camelot I
Assassin piece15
31 神聖円卓領域:キャメロットII
Sacred Round Table Region : Camelot II
Berserker piece15
32 神聖円卓領域:キャメロットIII
Sacred Round Table Region : Camelot III
Saber monument15
33 獅子の円卓 ~殲滅すべき神記の剣~
Lion King's Round Table ~The Legendary Sword That Must Be Exterminated~
Archer monument15
34 最果ての死闘 ~女神ロンゴミニアド戦~
The Final Struggle ~Goddess of Rhongomyniad Battle~
Lancer monument15
35 いまは遥か理想の城
Castle of the Distant Utopia
Rider monument15
36 獅子の玉座
Lion King's Throne
Caster monument15
37 臨戦
Preparation for War
Assassin monument15
38 山間にて
In The Valley
Berserker monument15
39 絶対魔獣戦線:バビロニア
The Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts - Babylonia
Saber piece15
40 絶対魔獣戦線:メソポタミア
The Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts - Mesopotamia
Archer piece15
41 襲い来る神話 ~複合神性ゴルゴーン戦~
Attack on Mythology ~Composite Deity Gorgon Battle~
Lancer piece15
42 dis-communication ~ラフム戦~
dis-communication ~Lahmu Battle~
Rider piece15
43 BEAST II ~ティアマト戦~
BEAST II ~Tiamat Battle~
Caster piece15
44 最古の都
The Oldest Capital
Assassin piece15
45 黄金の王 ~FGO~
King of Golds ~FGO~
Berserker piece15
46 終焉
Saber monument15
47 冠位時間神殿:ソロモン
Grand Time Tabernacle - Salomon
Archer monument15
48 溶鉱炉ナベリウス
Blast Furnace Naberius
Lancer monument15
49 情報室フラウロス
Intelligence Chamber Flauros
Rider monument20
50 観測所フォルネウス
Observatory Forneus
Caster monument20
51 管制塔バルバトス
Control Tower Barbatos
Assassin monument20
52 兵装舎ハルファス
Armory Halphas
Berserker monument20
53 覗覚星アモン
Satellite Amon
Saber piece20
54 生命院サブナック
Hospital Sabnock
Archer piece20
55 廃棄孔アンドロマリウス
Annulment Pit Andromalius
Lancer piece20
56 戴冠の時来たれり
The Time For Coronation Has Arrived
Rider piece20
57 色彩 ~訣別の時来たれり~
Shikisai ~The Time For Parting Has Arrived~
Caster piece20
58 Fate/Grand Order
Assassin piece20
59 outbreak ~FGO~
Berserker piece20
60 色彩 ~雪花の盾~
Shikisai ~Shield of Snowflakes~
Saber monument20
61 蒼穹の未来
Azure Future
Archer monument20
62 君の願い
Your Wish
Lancer monument20
63 歌うカボチャ城の冒険:マップテーマ
Ghost lantern10
64 Sonic Barrage ~FGO~
Infinity Gear10
65 ほぼ週間 サンタオルタさん:ショップテーマ
Meteoric horseshoe10
66 outbreak ~異聞~
Unlucky bone15
67 wars ~異聞~
Octuplet Twin Crystals10
68 鬼哭酔夢魔京 羅生門:ショップテーマ
Yggdrasil Seed15
69 天魔御伽草子 鬼ヶ島:マップテーマ
Unlucky bone15
70 雷光 ~丑御前戦~
Octuplet Twin Crystals10
71 天魔御伽草子 鬼ヶ島:BATTLE FINISH
Dragon Fang15
72 カルデアサマーメモリー:マップテーマ
Seashell of Reminiscence10
73 Samba de Island ~SUMMER BATTLE~
Homunculus Baby10
74 うりぼうのテーマ
Forbidden Page10
75 常夏のアドベンチャー
Void's Refuse15
76 うりぼうのテーマ ~旅立ち~
Hero's Proof15
77 カルデアヒートオデッセイ:マップテーマ
Seashell of Reminiscence10
78 ネロ祭再び:ショップテーマ
Medal of Great Knight10
79 超極☆大かぼちゃ村:マップテーマ
Ghost lantern10
80 鮮血魔嬢 ~FGO~
Homunculus Baby10
81 超極☆大かぼちゃ村:ショップテーマ
Dragon Fang15
82 月の海は静寂にて
Forbidden Page10
83 二代目はオルタちゃん:ショップテーマ
Chains of The Fool15